Topic: [Teewiki|Database] Introduction by [ friends ]

Hey everyone smile,

with this topic I intend to introduce a little website to you guys, who are looking for information about this game and/or for maps, skins, gameskins or other graphics like mapres and much more.

The Teewiki

Like the (really) old wiki, where clans were able to introduce themselves, I thought that it would be interesting to gather the information about a lot of active clans and about their principles, their ways to play this game and so on.
That is why I implented an own clan section into the wiki page and I am hoping to gather lots of information about you and your clans... hopefully.

Moreover, the wiki is accessable to every registered account on the website, so that everyone can participate and add content to it. A quite good editor will help you guys to implent data, pictures and more (e.g. youtube and so on) easily. The wiki's editor seems to be quite complex at first glance, but you will get to know its main functions through the symbols really fast.
In my opinion it is much easier to use a WYSIWYG-editor than the typical wiki editor, which will make it easier to create content. [ What You See Is What You Get ]

Most of this forum's tutorials are already part of the wiki and I hope that more people will add more content to it.

The Wiki consists of seven main categosies, which are: Clans, Development, Gametypes, Gameplay, Graphics, Mapping and Misc (containing the rest).

Further suggestions are of course welcome smile

The Database

Our database consists of seven categories as well, which are: Mapres/Tilesets, Skins, Gameskins, Maps. Fanart, Teeworlds - 0.5.x and Teeworlds - 0.6.x .
Every registered person is able to add content to the database, which can be linked in the wiki pages or simply to distribute mods, skins, maps and other fanarts linked to teeworlds.

Hopefully some people will participate in adding some content smile

Greetings jxsl13

Teeworlds [ friends ] clan
Some YouTube Stuff about Teeworlds


Re: [Teewiki|Database] Introduction by [ friends ]

This seems like an easy and good way to present a Teeworlds Clan,

nice work!

Just stay Aloha!