Topic: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

pls can someone help me :'(
i don't understand how to set up a server
I opened the port 8303 or something like this but it doesen't work
i think i did something wrong with the cfg datei
I don't know how to make a CFG datei
pls can someone help me
and excuse me for my bad english I'm german wink


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

Jesus ... use the search function!

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

yes i know but but i don't know how to create a cfg datei


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei


Used to be very active waay back


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

do you mean textdocument?


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

Yeah, he means textdocument.
Just open the editor (or notepad, whatever), write your configuration in this file and save it as *.cfg. After this you right-click "teeworlds_srv.exe" and choose "create shortcut". Now right-click the shortcut and choose attributes. In the "Source" line, you insert "Path to teeworlds_srv.exe" -f name-of-the-config-file.cfg
Double-click the shortcut and your server is online. This is only working with Windows!

The whole thing in german, 'cause my english description might be a bit dubious:^^
Aaaalso. Du öffnest den Editor (oder Notepad), schreibst dort deine komplette Konfiguration rein und speicherst das ganze als xyz.cfg. Danach machst du einen Rechtsklick auf "teeworlds_srv.exe" und erstellst eine Verknüpfung. Rechtsklicke die Verknüpfung und wähle "Eigenschaften". Unter der Registerkarte "Verknüpfung" kannst du das Ziel eintragen. Schreibe dort "Pfad zur teeworlds_srv.exe" -f xyz.cfg hinein, bestätige mit Okay und öffne die Verknüpfung. Dein Server ist jetzt Online. Das ganze klappt natürlich nur unter Windows. Für Linux geht das irgendwie anders und mit Mac, soweit ich weiß, gar nicht.


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

ne dann steht bei mir oben drüber: failed to open 'xyz.cfg'
und darunter : failed to open 'autoexec.cfg'
und ganz zum schluss steht da: WARNING:No master servers.retrying in 60 seconds.
ich hab windows vista kann es sein das das i-wie daran liegt?
den port hab schon freigestellt das ist nicht das problem^^


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

1. hier wird englisch geschrieben... -.-

2.WARNING:No master servers. retrying in 60 seconds. it has nothing to do with vista. do you use a firewall or antivirus programm?? (windows defender)?? (windows firewall)??
3. to create a *.cfg file look at this... http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7720 … nntjr6.png

sorry that the image is in german...

Remember me? Questions? Just leave a message, I will respond within 72 hrs!


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

Even if your router has portforwarding or porttriggering enabled for the ports 8300-8303 it may not work. --> Therefore just use port 80, it's the standard http port and should not cause any probs.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

ok that thing with WARNING won't happen again but i can't read the cfg datai which i created


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

how do you start your server? with a *.bat file???
like "start teeworlds_srv.exe -f yourconfig.cfg"

Remember me? Questions? Just leave a message, I will respond within 72 hrs!


Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

Sorry for writing german. I only thought my english description is confusing...

Try to use port 80,as Landil told you, it should work

13 (edited by GSGDani 2008-04-28 20:18:58)

Re: server hosting on version 0.4.2 and how to create a CFG datei

port 80 ? hahaha .. the http port 80 is TCP and the teeworlds server needs UDP.. these two things are not the same !!! forget that with port 80.. it wont work!!!

Remember me? Questions? Just leave a message, I will respond within 72 hrs!