Topic: [TILESET] Lines

hi all wink
it's good, but not perfect tileset )) i will be very happy if you made map with this tileset ))

http://fishki.telenet.ru/teeworlds/line … rlwind.png

Topic with test map (on this tileset)

sorry for my bad English smile

***connect*** - Best CTF maps, much rush and meat!!!


Re: [TILESET] Lines

I like this tile set. It looks quiet good ( after fixing bugs some bugs I marked it will be just good or even quiet great tileset ). I'll just say one thing - or either I'll mark it.

So from up to down:
1. No AA. Either it's good.
2. Some weird line.
3. Another line.
4. Something is missing there. There are just some spaces between.

I hope it'll help you fixing those problems .


Re: [TILESET] Lines

what is AA?
4 - oh ye... but if tileset without this space on this objects - this lines was'nt seen good ;(

thank you!

sorry for my bad English smile

***connect*** - Best CTF maps, much rush and meat!!!


Re: [TILESET] Lines


spl0k, aka Al`. From the HuH clan.
Noobing pwns since 01/01/1970.
TeeViewer - TeeComp


Re: [TILESET] Lines

good idea, but if you change so much you have to change the howle game^^

Sorry for my english; typical germans ;-)


Re: [TILESET] Lines

As spl0k said it's Anti-Aliasing. More info here: wikipedia's article about AA. I don't understand your answer. There aren't any spaces between tiles in default tilesets so there shouldn't be any in yours too.


Re: [TILESET] Lines

O.o Weird, but stylish. Could you prepare and post a screenshot of a map. I can't imagine it will be playable, but I might err.

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [TILESET] Lines

i don't know why, but on map with this tileset lines ("4. Something is missing there. There are just some spaces between.") look are not good ^(

http://www.uralweb.ru/albums/fotos/file … f2f77a.jpg

with spaces or without it, this objects are lookin bad ^(

sorry for my bad English smile

***connect*** - Best CTF maps, much rush and meat!!!