Re: [SUGGESTION] Ideas for the next version
We know that Teeworld's mantra is K.I.S.S and I respect that. That won't be stopping me from posting some features that are the exact opposite of that. Let me wish.
Also, feel free to suggest new/modified ideas below. If you see something feel free to write "but we already have this!".
Admin/Server Tools
Team-wide Votes
When in a public match of CTF you often run into people who are purposely trying to kill your own team or harming you in another way. The other team isn't really worried about this and a lot of the time will encourage it as it hinders the opponent. What I'm asking for is if you vote to kick or move a person to the spectators and they are part of your team, you have the ability to make it a team-wide vote instead of including the other team in the vote count.
Smart Rebalancing
I understand this is already supposedly implemented but I' not sure to what extent. When I've played CTF I'll admit to noticing that new players will not be able to a join a team even if they have less players. My question is does it cross-over to a new game? I mean after a game is completed do the teams ever get auto-balanced/changed?
Smart Matchmaking
I think we all know the feeling when we're in a game and some of the other players don't just out class you, they absolutely destroy you. Having some servers with the ability to make games based on a player's skill would be awesome. *Note: I understand this would be difficult to implement but my guess is there would be an extra tab for matched servers that would use a master algorithm or something to rate players. I get this will probably never happen.
Repositionable Items
It would be great if we could reposition data on our HUD. Everything would be enclosed in a rectangle that could be dragged around and resized on your screen (in the settings).
Ingame Recording
We already have demos (I understand these are NOT recordings) so I'm going to take a guess and say it's possible to have a built-in recording device for Teeworlds.
When I showed this game to some of my friends a few dropped off because they couldn\t get the hang f the game. I believe a short interactive tutorial would help remedy this especially if people had the ability to "train" against bots at a scaleable difficulty.
Chat/Tee Filter (PLEASE READ)
I understand this has been suggested multiple times and been shot down for good reasons but I still want to make a few points.
- Some words have different meanings in other languages but some do not. I for one am sick of so and so from the KKK clan spouting the N word every other sentence. If an editable barebones list was made it would be sufficient. This also bring the point of client-side renaming. It would be great if we would be able to "rename" a tee that we find offensive to just plain old nameless tee. This would only appear on our screen and everyone else would still be able to see the real nick.
- If you won't make a filter would it be possible to lay the groundwork down so we could add the words we anted filtered ourselves?
Account System (Kill K.I.S.S)
This one is pretty self-explanatory. When signing into Teeworlds you would be prompted with a box to register or login (email account could be used for password recovery). If the authentication servers went down the fallback would be our current system. Since this horse has been beaten many times I'll just point out some of the features I'd like to accompany this.
- Optional global banning
This is hard to do since if we go off a "certain number of server bans = global ban it will be abused badly. An additional feature would be to ban all IPs associated with that account which would help bar alternate accounts from bothering people. Another option is if you're an admin, the ability to see how many servers a certain tee has been banned on
- Better Friends Functionality
Out of game private messaging/chat system. Ability to make persistent group chats would be cool too. Also features like "join Friend's session" and things like that would also be great if there are appropriate privacy settings
- Users separate from Nicks
Nicknames would work the exact same way they do now except we will have the ability to see usernames which are unique which destroys impersonating. A similar system with identification numbers would work with clans