1 (edited by HMH 2013-11-12 20:41:32)

Topic: More tuningdetails ?

The tunings feel so lonely, they do not even know if they are apples or pixels yikes . So go and give this poor numbers ther units of measurement !

In my opinion it is nice to have some tunings but it would be even better to know more details about them (like their units). I hope someone will give more information.


Since nobody answered yet I decided to post everything I already know (or believe to know) :

One tile = 32 teexels x 32 teexels

A tee = 28 teexels x 28 teexels

One second = 50 server ticks

hook_length, laser_reach and laser_bounce_cost in teexels

laser_damage in damage/hit

gun_lifetime, shotgun_lifetime and grenade_lifetime in seconds

laser_bounce_delay in milliseconds

player_collision and player_hooking: boolean (no real units)

gravity, ground_control_accel, air_control_accel and <weapon>_curvature in teexels / server tick ^ 2

ground_control_speed, ground_jump_impulse, air_jump_impulse, air_control_speed, hook_fire_speed, hook_drag_speed and <weapon>_speed in teexels / server tick

3. edit: added Sushi Tees teexels and put the new units into topic; removed 2. edit

Luck is allowed


Re: More tuningdetails ?

This is an interesting question, although I think there are no absolute measures to describe the weapon tunings for example.

Yet I think this deserves some more attention and maybe some developers know more about it?


Re: More tuningdetails ?

I think for grenade_speed it should be easy to give something like pixels / second. And the curvatures are accrelations I believe ,so they could be given as pixels / second^2.

Well I fond a post with some infos about this but its incomplete and maybe outdated.

Luck is allowed

4 (edited by Sushi Tee 2013-11-12 16:09:57)

Re: More tuningdetails ?

the unit teeworlds uses is not pixels. There is no name for it actually so let us refer to it as "teexels" ^^
As someone already mentioned in another thread. One tile is 32 teexels x 32 teexels. A tee is 28 teexels x 28 teexels.
The unit the tunings are using are the same.
The gun lifetime is indeed in seconds and the laser bounce delay is in milliseconds.
Player collision and hooking is like any other tuning value a floating point value but it is handled as boolean like you said.
the velocity uses the teexels as well. The unit would teexels per tick. E.g. the max. ground speed (accelerated from standing) of a tee is 10 teexels per tick. So the server ticks 50 times per secound which means the tee moves 500 teexels per secound and this about 16 tiles if I'm right.
The jump impulse works the same way. The impulse just adds the value from the tuning to the velocity in y direction the moment you press the jump key. So it is also in teexels per tick but the velocity gets lower very fast since the gravity is added in every tick.

So some other things you didnt mention:

ground_friction, air_friction:
It is just a factor which gets multiplied to the velocity in x directions. If it would be over 1 you would get faster instead of getting slower if you dont give any input.

ground_control_accel, and so on...:
is just a value which gets added to the velocity before the max speed is reached in every tick. Also teexels are used.

a value which gets added in y direction to the velocity in every tick

velramp values:
the 3 values are part of a function. velramp_start is the start velocity you need for the velramp values have effect. The value of the tuning is based on the total velocity multiplied with 50.
velramp_range and velramp_curvature are used for the calculation if the start speed is reached by the tee.
It is a power function 1/velramp_curvature^((velocity-velramp_start)/velramp_range).
This is used to lower the velocity a bit in case you are very fast to keep sane values I guess.

weapon curvature, speed:
the speed is in teecels per scound and the curvature is used in a quadratic function. If the curvature is 1.0 the projectile flies streight. The higher the value the stronger the curvature.

uptee - a simple web interface for hosting and maintaining teeworlds servers
teerace - a website gathering results of trusted Race-mod servers providing global ranking and statistics
*gV* rox ^^


Re: More tuningdetails ?

Thank you for explanation, finally someone was able to help smile .  I think this information should be added to the official tuning help. Also I love your new unit: teexel, it is simply great big_smile (replaced pixels in topic with it).

Now I tried to calculate the max. double jump high:

s(h) = v(0)^2 / (2g); g = 0.5 so s(h) = v(0)^2

h1: jumphight of first jump
h2: jumphight of second jump

h1 = 13.2^2 = 174.24 teexels

h2 = 12^2 = 144 teexels

h1 + h2 = 318.24 teexels = 9.945 tilehights

But it is possible to doublejump higher than 10 tilehights and 9.945 < 10 yikes . ——> now I am confused what did I wrong ?

Luck is allowed

6 (edited by heinrich5991 2013-11-14 01:24:13)

Re: More tuningdetails ?

HMH wrote:

Thank you for explanation, finally someone was able to help smile .  I think this information should be added to the official tuning help. Also I love your new unit: teexel, it is simply great big_smile (replaced pixels in topic with it).

Now I tried to calculate the max. double jump high:

s(h) = v(0)^2 / (2g); g = 0.5 so s(h) = v(0)^2

h1: jumphight of first jump
h2: jumphight of second jump

h1 = 13.2^2 = 174.24 teexels

h2 = 12^2 = 144 teexels

h1 + h2 = 318.24 teexels = 9.945 tilehights

But it is possible to doublejump higher than 10 tilehights and 9.945 < 10 yikes . ——> now I am confused what did I wrong ?

Teeworlds' physics (and probably the physics from most computer simulations) aren't continuous, they rather rely on something called ticks. As was mentioned already, one tick in Teeworlds is 1/50s long. Now if we observe the y-position and the other physical sizes in the (discrete) ticks, we see this:

 t      y   v_y   a_y
 0    0.0   0.0  -0.5
 1   13.2  13.2  -0.5
 2   25.9  12.7  -0.5
 3   38.1  12.2  -0.5
 4   49.8  11.7  -0.5
 5   61.0  11.2  -0.5
 6   71.7  10.7  -0.5
 7   81.9  10.2  -0.5
 8   91.6   9.7  -0.5
 9  100.8   9.2  -0.5
10  109.5   8.7  -0.5
11  117.7   8.2  -0.5
12  125.4   7.7  -0.5
13  132.6   7.2  -0.5
14  139.3   6.7  -0.5
15  145.5   6.2  -0.5
16  151.2   5.7  -0.5
17  156.4   5.2  -0.5
18  161.1   4.7  -0.5
19  165.3   4.2  -0.5
20  169.0   3.7  -0.5
21  172.2   3.2  -0.5
22  174.9   2.7  -0.5
23  177.1   2.2  -0.5
24  178.8   1.7  -0.5
25  180.0   1.2  -0.5
26  180.7   0.7  -0.5
27  180.9   0.2  -0.5
28  192.9  12.0  -0.5
29  204.4  11.5  -0.5
30  215.4  11.0  -0.5
31  225.9  10.5  -0.5
32  235.9  10.0  -0.5
33  245.4   9.5  -0.5
34  254.4   9.0  -0.5
35  262.9   8.5  -0.5
36  270.9   8.0  -0.5
37  278.4   7.5  -0.5
38  285.4   7.0  -0.5
39  291.9   6.5  -0.5
40  297.9   6.0  -0.5
41  303.4   5.5  -0.5
42  308.4   5.0  -0.5
43  312.9   4.5  -0.5
44  316.9   4.0  -0.5
45  320.4   3.5  -0.5
46  323.4   3.0  -0.5
47  325.9   2.5  -0.5
48  327.9   2.0  -0.5
49  329.4   1.5  -0.5
50  330.4   1.0  -0.5
51  330.9   0.5  -0.5
52  330.9   0.0  -0.5

This way we see that 330.9 (a bit more than 10 tiles) can be reached.