Topic: Behind school VPN?


I moved couple of weeks ago in France and the way they do internet in student residences here is that you connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot which filters anything but VPN connections to the University network.

I scanned the public IP of one of the VPN servers and anything looks closed or filtered.

Is there any way I could get teeworlds working with this setup?

2 (edited by east 2013-10-13 17:13:57)

Re: Behind school VPN?

If I understood you correctly you are restricted to use one of the VPN's of the university to connect to the internet. If they don't allow UDP traffic you could still attach another VPN behind to access the Internet without restrictions.


Re: Behind school VPN?

You understood correctly.

Whenever I try to connect to a VPN within a VPN I can't access the internet anymore. I tried it before with I server I configured on RaspberryPi via SSH awhile ago.

But leaving that aside, I tried to connect to this vpn provider by both methods.
When using PPTP it wouldn't connect.
When using OpenVPN it did connect, I could see the network interfaces tun1 and the tun0(from University) but still, no internet connection. And also, after connecting to vpnbook VPN within the University's VPN, after closing the vpnbook VPN I have to restart Uni's VPN, otherwise it doesn't work...

BTW, I use Manjaro Linux (Arch).