Topic: Shadows and Lighting? And Steam Green light...

Will Tee worlds ever have support for Lights and shadows?
It would make the game look alot better.
Also when will teeworlds be on steam greenlight?


Re: Shadows and Lighting? And Steam Green light...

Also when will teeworlds be on steam greenlight?


Not Luck, Just Magic.

3 (edited by traitor 2013-10-04 11:34:48)

Re: Shadows and Lighting? And Steam Green light...

Lights and shadows are already part of the game, all main tilesets have some transparent parts so map editors could put those layers on top of others to create an impression of shadow (for example a cave with darker areas).
And lights... well the opposite of shadow is light smile With support of envelopes (animated game tiles) you can create your own lighting. Some time ago I made a first (and probably last) map with flickering light sources, take a look at it (ctf_daynight).
Using the map editor in creative ways allows exciting maps right now, perhaps it is a diffcult workflow but could provide nice effects already.

Do you have something on your mind, what exactly are you missing?