1 (edited by Shahan 2013-07-25 18:48:26)

Topic: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

In other games a long time ago I saw mods, where you get ban-hammer as powerup after killing spree. In another words: your powerup makes you ban/kick players instead kill.
Ofc, I got an idea to make such mod, but this time I'd like to know players' opinion before making useless mod.
My suggestion: modified vanilla, kill 10 tees without being killed, and then all tees, who killed by hammer, will be kicked (not banned).
Tell me what do you think.
P.S. Dune's opinion prefered

UPD: added poll


Re: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

For what I'm concerned, that looks incredibly not fun, but feel free to code anything you want.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

"Feel free to code anything you want" but DO NOT FAKE A PLAYER, so in other words do not code whatever you want!

yes it is a way to make people play carefully, the opposite of ddrace with /r i think. it's like the suggested Real-Life mods, where you loose everything you collected before. i would play this mod but only once or twice a day, so you have to be banned for a longer time to play very carefully, maybe you could also add other weapons, where kill results in a ban

#yemDX is a known troll

4 (edited by Shahan 2013-07-25 18:49:01)

Re: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

hm, Dune finds it not funny. However he thinks the same about DDRace, which is the most played mod atm. Idk what to think :S

@Pikotee: i don't think that the ban is a good idea, so kick should be enough.

The problem is that idk what will happen: players will dislike often kicks, or will play carefully to avoid it? I added poll, don't forget to vote ^^


Re: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

lol getting kicked is a weird idea. i mean nobody likes to get kicked tho and like why not just spec you know? but like winning by being the last person in the server is a weirdly funny idea.

that's my take on it.


Re: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

Hi, I'm not sure it would have success. As Broken said no one likes to be kicked, that's just frustrating big_smile Yet the concept is funny, +1 to Broken about being pushed in the spec, that's less rude tongue

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Re: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

Broken wrote:

lol getting kicked is a weird idea. i mean nobody likes to get kicked tho and like why not just spec you know? but like winning by being the last person in the server is a weirdly funny idea.

that's my take on it.

That already has a name and a mod, survival (kukurice for those who only remember the map).

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [Discussion] Mods with kick instead kill aka ban-hammer

Well, i understand what you all mean. As a small part of gameplay it must be ok, but as a very very small. I gonna wait for more votes, however I already see that nobody will play the mod :C