Topic: [MOD] Monster
Ahh ! Damn !! Monsters !! Run away !!!
What is it ?
Monster is a mod, where there are bots which are symbolized with weapons, and which are called monsters. This mod is kind like zChaos, but bots are not tee's, they are moving weapons. It isn't a single weapon, it would be ugly, it's something that makes you thinking that's a bad monster, so don't think that's a single weapon which can't do anything, it's much more.
So as I said it, this mod is kind like zChaos, but different. There are waves, the score is symbolized as money, you can place a wall which, instead of killing like in zChaos, deals 10 damage, there are upgrades, a vote menu and a nicely coded path, which is opensource.
About walls, you just need to have 10 armors and after that, aim and shot with your hammer. The wall will take its maximum lenght except if there is a collision between the max lenght and the pos of the player (which is the start pos of it)
You can configure the max lenght using
A vote menu ?
Yes, as example you can buy upgrades from there, and you can add this kind of votes too, but if you want that they have a behaviour, you must code it. You need to type
add_svote "description"
to add a special vote.
I've mostly tried this mod on ctf5, so monsters are very well on ctf5, they are going nearly everywhere ! If you want to know, they can go everywhere except on downs, where you must hook to go up back.
Ninjas can be smarter if you enable
in configurations. The default value makes it disabled (because then ninjas are REALLY hard)
So available configurations for the server are :
add_svote "description"
hard_ninja 0/1 (default value is 0)
wall_lenght Lenght (default value is 650, min is 32, max is 10 000)
Latest upload : 12/07/2013
Linux 32 bit (Thanks to SteelTermite for the Linux binaries)
Linux 64 bit
Mac (Thanks to HMH for the Mac binaries)
Beware !
There is still a crashbug that needs to be fixed, I don't know where is it from but I saw in the console that's because the player gets kicked twice when "not acked for 10 seconds". There was a crashbug about the "Error sending data" kick that I've fixed with many checks, but the server keeps kicking sometimes people for "Error sending data" (they get the message "out of buffer" when this happens) and so, when someone isn't acked for 10 seconds, he gets kicked first because of it, and second for Error sending data, and this crashes the server.
I advice you to disable the vote kick and spectate because of people who flame against newbies, this happened several times in my test server.
sv_vote_kick 0
sv_vote_spectate 0
Two tunings are enabled automaticly (because it's better to play with these tunings), if you want to disable them ;
tune player_collision 1
tune player_hooking 1
Have fun playing it and thanks in advance for any comment (that will please me ) and for bug reports.
Try until you succeed.