Broski wrote:xXDARKXx wrote:*snipped*
User has been banned for advertising cheats. // Dune
And just wanted to know how far the developers are in developing TW 7.0 and if the release is coming soon:D.
Also, maybe take in the idea of password-protected usernames?? and applying for a clan to join???
[EDIT:Oops sorry I didn't realize this was on steam so ignore the password protected usernames]
Password protected names? Applying for clan?! What do you think K.I.S.S. means?!
No no no, and.. NO. Not simple enough.
There are obviusly too many random play toy clans that are just for fun (and are really fun ^^) to keep track of this.
It's a bit like.. do you invite every stranger that goes by your house to dinner?
Our clans are our own responsibility. We should keep up with them ourselves, and not alow people to apply.
Clan fakers? Name fakers? They should be tracked down and put under life ban on the server that had them in it.
Like once, I had someone fake my nickname, and clan, and then start spamming the same words in chat, and then voted to kick me out. FREAKING JERK! So yes, I am sort of on the side of Password protected clans.
I think instead of what you are saying, it could be like.. If two people are named 3, and there isn't a (1) or (2) beside one of there names, both should be banned for 1 minute. Then this problem wouldn't happen and you could be friendly and still play, without being bothered by fakers. Or being banned wrongly for 234234235 minutes. (not for life, for those minutes. The server admin caught the faker and banned him for life, unbanned me, and all was good, so meh)
So nice idea, but... sort of icky on the left side.
And just look on github to find out about 7.0, they are working pretty hard..