Topic: Feasibility of moding teeworlds without C++?
Some youngsters are learning from language like Scheme, or Racket. On the other hand, C++ is very hard to work on. For instance, i want to re-implement Infection, which shouldn't be a very big deal, but i can't because i don't want to C++.
As we can see on other post, we appreciate a mod-friendly version or something like that. I just think that, a truly mod-friendly version isn't a monster bundles every configuration possible, it is too ad-hoc.
If one can abstract the code base, but keep the graphics stuff in C++, to allow something like "extension language", much like emacs, then we can possibly write less on C++ but more on the others.
Finally, I don't know C++ so i may not understand what i am talking, sorry about that.