Topic: [Find]DDwar
Help me find a mod (server) DDwar for Linux
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Teeworlds Forum → Modifications → [Find]DDwar
Help me find a mod (server) DDwar for Linux
Linking searches doesn't seem to work well, so you'll have to do it yourself.
eeeee just has no time Like everybody
I'll ask him if Im allowed to, and compile those if he agrees. That's just 10 minutes of work.
@Dune: if you can't really help, don't flood. Probably you think that's funny, but it's not. Thanking to you teeworlds will list less game servers.
@Safok: there are no official binaries of this mod for linux or whatever. I can advise you to download the source from official repo( and compile it yourself. If you don't know how, pm me
@Dune: if you can't really help, don't flood. Probably you think that's funny, but it's not. Thanking to you teeworlds will list less game servers.
I really tried to link the search results. There are dozens of threads bout that.
Teeworlds Forum → Modifications → [Find]DDwar
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