1 (edited by heh2 2013-03-23 15:44:22)

Topic: [QW]How can i make a server for: +DDrace - openfng - Zcatch

I'm a little bad at English

the title say all ! How can i make +DDrace server / openfng server / Zcatch server
D'ont punish if the Topic is not for modification because i whrited [QW]
Please aswear me
Thanks for reading
Note:I want what i must whrite in the autoexec.cfg not the Topic of the Mod !
And if you readed this message please i want the maper of ddrace so i make my own ddrace map smile

Discuusions ? Go away !


Re: [QW]How can i make a server for: +DDrace - openfng - Zcatch

HI, could you pls try to find it out on your own before asking that stupid questions,
I mean there are many tutorials the internet, so, anyways this could help you...

#yemDX is a known troll


Re: [QW]How can i make a server for: +DDrace - openfng - Zcatch

You can also visit your best friend, TeeworldsTuto ^^
How to Create a Teeworlds Server Under Windows

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte

4 (edited by heh2 2013-03-23 18:31:56)

Re: [QW]How can i make a server for: +DDrace - openfng - Zcatch

i ask
To knew the port of the router why portugal
And my router Is PLANETA4AEBEAE
And my contry is Tunisia

Discuusions ? Go away !


Re: [QW]How can i make a server for: +DDrace - openfng - Zcatch

That's not your Router.

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte

6 (edited by heh2 2013-03-23 20:17:40)

Re: [QW]How can i make a server for: +DDrace - openfng - Zcatch

It is or for last let's say Topnet !

Discuusions ? Go away !


Re: [QW]How can i make a server for: +DDrace - openfng - Zcatch

Oh god. You are not able to setup your own server. Downloading the binaries and writing config is not so hard, but forwarding ports, securing server, naaah. Just forget.

If you still wanna do this, search for those:
- DDRace binaries (DDrace.info)
- DDRace confing (DDrace.info)
- Router (Wikipedia)
- Checking your IP
- Port forwarding
- Is your internet fast enough to host a server (Upload speed and ping important)

If you have a problem with anything, go and ask, but It's probably not the forum where ppl are going to tell you what is your router, man...

C++/Java my life ^^
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