Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

HeroiAmarelo wrote:

I do not know's 3rd or 4th Good bye?

Not the last, that's sure.

» Albert Einsteein: I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

27 (edited by eeeee 2013-04-02 00:19:56)

Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Great news, everyone!

Since the launch of ServerCrasher we have received a lot of positive feedback on it. A lot of bad servers were crashed and that had an immediate effect on the enjoyment of this game, as proven by the following graph:


And as per popular demand, we hereby release the long anticipated ServerCrasher source code!

28 (edited by Kirbs 2013-04-02 02:34:37)

Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

OH FREAKING NO. A server crasher????!!!! Things have gone from bad to worse. So, you mean, anybody can just downright selfishly stupidly crash any server they want? Sorry guys, but that's the stupidest idea and thing I've ever heard, and where are you getting that graph??!!! Be respective of other people's property. Look, I don't want anyone's server, no matter how worthless or harmless, useless or wrong, crashed. Why crash an innocent server?
What has it done to you? I mean, it might not be unused, or "bad", like you think some servers maybe. Some servers, like my server, only get used on Saturdays, for family game get togethers. Sure, it might be running some crappy mod, but what if people like that server, or that mod? Again, put yourself in their shoes! It just.. hurts my feelings. Enjoy better servers? My darn foot! NO! LET PEOPLE PLAY WHAT THEY WANT! Games are made for fun, so let people have their fun while playing them. If people want to play or have crappy server/mod servers around, just let it be!

All of you, you who have crashed servers.... Are evil, rude, selfish, no empathy, and just a plain TROLL!!!!

And eeeee, these mods might be stupid to you, but someone might like the server/ mod!

Now sorry, for my rude comment.

But the client itself, now that is some good work.



Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Let me assume it is just an aprils fool, a quite shocking one. Any other idea I do not even consider at this point.

30 (edited by Broken 2013-04-02 03:52:59)

Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:


I think.... it's April fools.... tongue


Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Does this mean your bad client is an April fools joke too? I hope so sad

32 (edited by fisted 2013-04-02 05:25:03)

Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

kirby wrote:

OH FREAKING NO. A server crasher????!!!! Things have gone [rant rant rant]

Well played, very convincing :\)

Rumpleskins wrote:

Does this mean your bad client is an April fools joke too? I hope so sad

Valued Customer, please consider the following:


Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Lol nice zinger rumpleyemskins


Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

fisted wrote:

Valued Customer, please consider the following:

So that's a yes ^^


Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Anyway, about the server crasher. Lets just hope it doesn't get used. There isn't really any way to use it like they want it to be used, unless they know something we don't. There aren't really any "bad" servers around, just ones that don't get played on much. (I hope it really is an April fools joke.)

The client?

5 and 4/5 stars!

Great for people who don't want any fancy useless add-ons, but wan't to see some "good" skins, and an ingame server list.

Quite helpful, for those who don't like flashy effects.



Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Best troll ever, eeeee.

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

However, I just thought.. this client might help with newbies that want an ingame server list, but hate other stuff.

Heroiamerelo, I think that eeee is estimating this, however, I'm not sure how a server crasher could help the community of veteran players (ones that played alot), but it could be guiding newbies to a better playground. (server)



Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Okay let me just say this: the server crasher is fake.

39 (edited by Tsin 2013-04-13 14:44:08)

Re: [CLIENT] Introducing DDWar client

Dear DDWar players if you have any problems with your account please don't wait and contact us http://www.ddwar.biz/contacts write your in-game nickname, describe what exacly happend please also provide some contact to you e-mail/xmpp/skype/gg/icq - we will do our best to solve the problem.