Topic: Server hiding...?!
Hi everybody,
I started my own mod (NX|LVL) some days ago, it's hosted 24/7 on windows. I saw, since this morning that often, someone called Mr.Serious come on one of my servers (I have 12 servers open) and then this server is hide, I mean we can't go in it, even if we type it's IP ! I say that it's because of him because when I have this problem, he is always on spectator, and the IP is the same thing : If this guy is punished, it will really be cool... otherwise, how can I ban an IP when I launch the server ? Can I do it with the autoexec.cfg or need I code it ?
Thanks in advance...
Edit : I say that he comes on ONE of my servers, but often, it's all my servers... 12 servers invisible, like crashed, it's.. disgusting
Edit2 : I added on the code of my server that his IP is banned, but if he has a dynamic IP... I'll need some help about this bug :s
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