1 (edited by ChrisyFieldz 2013-03-11 23:40:51)

Topic: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.

Today I practiced color correction on a few teeworlds clips from a match I played yesturday.
I played a match of Teeworlds for the first time in a while yesturday, and realized while playing it that I had never done a montage that was completely finished nor on youtube, nor one that had color correction. So yesturday I started recording the match, sliced up clips of it in the Teewotlds demo player thingy, and then today I edited it in Premiere. This isn't a full on Montage and most of the clips aren't that good, due to the fact that it's just a test. Tell me what I could improve in the color correction and what I could do to make the future montage better.

Retired Player: Chrisfield12


NOTE: Please do realize this isn't serious gameplay nor a serious montage.
This is just a color correction / editing test for teeworlds.

Also: Please tell me which clip has the best color correction by putting a time stamp in the comments, so that I can use that color correction for future references.

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Re: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.

why are you applying weird ugly color filters to a game you don't even play anymore

3 (edited by ChrisyFieldz 2013-03-12 02:16:59)

Re: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.

Try again without the flame // Dune

Italic text

4 (edited by Broken 2013-03-12 20:41:01)

Re: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.

Btw, I think just stick with original colors, and maybe add transitions. The slow down effect was good.

Also Chris I still play Teeworlds because, it has really nice people that play it, it still challenges me a lot, it has a lot of variety with the mods, and the gameplay often has the depth and complexity of chess for me.


Re: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.

Broken wrote:

Btw, I think just stick with original colors, and maybe add transitions. The slow down effect was good.

Also Chris I still play Teeworlds because, it has really nice people that play it, it still challenges me a lot, it has a lot of variety with the mods, and the gameplay often has the depth and complexity of chess for me.

Alright, thanks for the opinion it will go into my mini hat *bloop*
and okay, just wondering because you've been playing for quite a while now.

ChrisyFieldz wrote:

Try again without the flame // Dune

Okey Dokey.

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Re: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.

ChrisyFieldz wrote:

Alright, thanks for the opinion it will go into my mini hat *bloop*
and okay, just wondering because you

Most I know have been playing a far longer time than me sad


Re: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.

Broken wrote:
ChrisyFieldz wrote:

Alright, thanks for the opinion it will go into my mini hat *bloop*
and okay, just wondering because you

Most I know have been playing a far longer time than me sad

Yeah, but I know why most of them have been playing that long.
It's normally either because they're bored or because they're addicted and can't stop.
I was just wondering which one it was, but apparently it was for a different reason.

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