Topic: Teeworlds Color Correction Video.
Today I practiced color correction on a few teeworlds clips from a match I played yesturday.
I played a match of Teeworlds for the first time in a while yesturday, and realized while playing it that I had never done a montage that was completely finished nor on youtube, nor one that had color correction. So yesturday I started recording the match, sliced up clips of it in the Teewotlds demo player thingy, and then today I edited it in Premiere. This isn't a full on Montage and most of the clips aren't that good, due to the fact that it's just a test. Tell me what I could improve in the color correction and what I could do to make the future montage better.
Retired Player: Chrisfield12
NOTE: Please do realize this isn't serious gameplay nor a serious montage.
This is just a color correction / editing test for teeworlds.
Also: Please tell me which clip has the best color correction by putting a time stamp in the comments, so that I can use that color correction for future references.