Yes... it would be a good idea to have a multi-layered move function... *ehim* devs *cough*
If it is very slight movements you want, and if you want to move a whole layer a few spaces to the left, right, up or down, there's the option of using two things that look like this "[- X +] [- Y +]" in each layer. It is brought up by left clicking the layer (or right click, for lefties). They work in the same way when moving positive or negative measures on a 2D, graph (with X and Y axes). (For example, -x is going left, +x is right, -y is down, and +y is up.)
The main set back of these is having to move the whole layer. As suggested by kittyPL, you should make sure that the layout is pretty firm before decorating it. Small changes afterwards won't kill you, like if you want to change the map later, but it's more of a headache to you.
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