Topic: [MOD] [PLANNED] 8 Bots vs 8 Humans, TeamMatch
Hello Forum,
I'm planning a new modification, but i haven't started yet...
- TeamMatch (e.g. CTF, TDM, or Grenade, Gun, Shotgun , Rifle Instagib) (Vote Option)
- Red Human Team plays against the Blue Bot Team
- You will be able to choose the level of the Bots and the number of Bots for each Player. (Vote Option)
- You can use this mod for training, trolling the bots, or just testing your aimbot and then trolling the bots.
- I haven't found a good name yet, so i'd like to hear your suggestions.
- The name should look like that: XXX Y ZZZ if possible
- X = Name consisting of 3 Chars
- Y = Symbol which shows specials of GameType(e.g. Insta or Not)
- Z = GamyType (TDM, CTF, maybe sth else...)
- e.g. ABC|TDM for normal GameType or ABCgTDM for grenade insta TDM
- Modified A* Pathfinding-System for Bots, which will be developed by me and kittyPL for aiZomb
- Calculation of shot angle for weapons with curvature
- Wallshots (depends on Bot level)
- Checking for ammo
- Player Hooking
- Collecting Health, Armor and Weapons
- Capturing the flag
- I won't add many config commands or rcon commands to keep the mod simple
- Also I won't add commands to cheat or to get any advantages
The mod will be published, but...
I'm not sure whether it'll be open-spurce or not. I'd like to publish only some main parts, to prevent Aimbot, Wallshot, Wallkbot ideas.
If you have any questions, feedback, suggestions, ideas or just the desire to write sth, write it...