1 (edited by Zodiac 2013-07-20 17:05:33)

Topic: [MOD] oMOD

Hey Guys,

Just released my new Teeworlds mod. It is basically an account system for teeworlds over multiple mods. It is meant for stats tracking and adds additional features that utilize the account system.

The general features this mod offers are as follows:

  • Account statistic tracking.

  • Whisper system.

  • Global ban.

  • Map Rating.

  • Bug reporting.

  • In-game admin assistance request

  • Player rankings

  • Clan registration

  • Profanity Word filter

  • Player commendation

For DDrace:

  • Map Challenge

  • Lock teams

  • Global Point System and Ranking

  • Swap

  • Save/Load

For Instagib:

  • Fighting statistics

  • *Possibility of a point system in the future.

For OpenFNG:

  • Fighting statistics

You can view all this and more at the website - www.teeworlds.co.za . Please bare in mind the website is still under development the member page will be sorted and the actual look of the site will get a revamp.

Server Info

Config file

connect <Your IP> <Your Port>

filter "<Excessively Rude Word>"
admin_filter "<Server Admin Tag>" (used as an admin identifier, so no-one can have this in there name)

No commands need to be added as they are all fetched, but you can add additional commands if you wish.

I know before I said that the server was open for others to use, but I hadn't given it to anyone due to persistent bugs that I wanted to first deal with. The servers are running smoothly now, with all the features working as they should. Feel free to contact me if you would like to host an oMod server.

The update includes the addition of openFNG to oMod, multiple bugs and stability fixes, and a new save/load feature for DDrace (This cannot be exploited, just used to save your spot on a map so you can come back at a later date).

Any criticism, suggestions, remarks, please send my way.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

... Idiot

I hate when people say they've released a mod and then they don't put the download link.

But.... It sounds cool, and this might be a server I host IF I had the exe file.


3 (edited by Zodiac 2012-10-18 23:20:37)

Re: [MOD] oMOD

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:

... Idiot

I hate when people say they've released a mod and then they don't put the download link.

Haha, I didn't think it would be of much use having the download link here as you have to first register an account in order for it too work. But I will add the download page anyways.

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:

But.... It sounds cool, and this might be a server I host IF I had the exe file.

Will be looking at making it open source these holidays coming up. Just trying to gauge if people will be interested or not before I re-programme the whole thing.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

Interested sounds really cool. Zodiac one thing I'd really love programmed in is an entity that requires a 2-tee team, like PPRace and DDMax have.

I'd like to hear more about how it works too.

5 (edited by Kirbs 2012-10-20 16:34:31)

Re: [MOD] oMOD

delorted (lol Deleted)



Re: [MOD] oMOD

wtf kirby chill quit raging lol.

Was obvious to me that he's making this for SA community and later will release it for others, just telling people about it, I think you need to calm down.

7 (edited by Zodiac 2012-10-19 07:49:22)

Re: [MOD] oMOD

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:
DUHZodiac wrote:

Will be looking at making it open source these holidays coming up. Just trying to gauge if people will be interested or not before I re-programme the whole thing.

And what does that have to do with freaking giving me the exe file? NOTHING. If its open source, you're giving us the source, not the exe.

1: The website has stolen art from various artists
2: Client? I asked for server
3: ??? Needs SDL.DLL and freetype.dll
4: You are just plain annoying, you have NO CLUE what the freaking crap you are doing
5: Again, just plain idiot

Kirby you really need to have an attitude adjustment; you won't get any where in life being so beligerant. I'm doing this as a favour and out of my own time so I don't know why you are getting so upset. That being said, I do encourage constructive criticism as this is my first mod so I am sure I have much to learn.

Being Open Source has everything to do with my willingness to give out the exe. I currently have confidential information in my code, and seeing as there are exe decompilers out there, I am not going to risk it.

1: I didn't do the art work for the site, but I will speak to the guy who did. Any artist whoes art work is on my website and you want it taken down just send me a message and I will oblige.
2: Already discussed.
3: There is only a windows client for the moment, working on a linux one.
4: Please elaborate.
5: This seems to be the theme of your post. A lot of insults, not much substance.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

Zodiac wrote:


Kirby you really need to have an attitude adjustment; you won't get any where in life being so beligerant. I'm doing this as a favour and out of my own time so I don't know why you are getting so upset. That being said, I do encourage constructive criticism as this is my first mod so I am sure I have much to learn.

Being Open Source has everything to do with my willingness to give out the exe. I currently have confidential information in my code, and seeing as there are exe decompilers out there, I am not going to risk it.

1: I didn't do the art work for the site, but I will speak to the guy who did. Any artist whoes art work is on my website and you want it taken down just send me a message and I will oblige.
2: Already discussed.
3: There is only a windows client for the moment, working on a linux one.
4: Please elaborate.
5: This seems to be the theme of your post. A lot of insults, not much substance.

Well, if its your first mod..
I don't really mean to insult you, sorry, I didn't remember how weirdly weird South Africans were.. They think "shoe" is an insult.. Thank you for number one on that list ^^.
Why do we need an extra client to play your mod?
And just tell me why it-
Oh. Never mind. Ok... How about lets say... MAKE ONE THAT YOU CAN PLAY WITH ALL CLIENTS
I really like new mods and yours looks promising ^^



Re: [MOD] oMOD

By the way, I'm not trying insulting you, sorry. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at all.
Get back on topic?
What kind of information that you don't want to realease do you have in there?
Everyone else releases their exe.
Also, could you explain to me what the mod is like?


10 (edited by Zodiac 2012-10-20 22:27:30)

Re: [MOD] oMOD

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:
Zodiac wrote:


Kirby you really need to have an attitude adjustment; you won't get any where in life being so beligerant. I'm doing this as a favour and out of my own time so I don't know why you are getting so upset. That being said, I do encourage constructive criticism as this is my first mod so I am sure I have much to learn.

Being Open Source has everything to do with my willingness to give out the exe. I currently have confidential information in my code, and seeing as there are exe decompilers out there, I am not going to risk it.

1: I didn't do the art work for the site, but I will speak to the guy who did. Any artist whoes art work is on my website and you want it taken down just send me a message and I will oblige.
2: Already discussed.
3: There is only a windows client for the moment, working on a linux one.
4: Please elaborate.
5: This seems to be the theme of your post. A lot of insults, not much substance.

Well, if its your first mod..
I don't really mean to insult you, sorry, I didn't remember how weirdly weird South Africans were.. They think "shoe" is an insult.. Thank you for number one on that list ^^.
Why do we need an extra client to play your mod?
And just tell me why it-
Oh. Never mind. Ok... How about lets say... MAKE ONE THAT YOU CAN PLAY WITH ALL CLIENTS
I really like new mods and yours looks promising ^^

I wanted to make an extra client for two reasons. It allowed the users to only require an once off login whereas if I used the vanilla client they would have had to login each time they joined the server/changed maps. So I thought that having to download a (7meg) client once off was a trade off for having to constantly login. Some might disagree.

To minimalise this inconvenience I aim to make an oMod version of all of the popular clients, so people can still use their favourite client.

Thanks smile

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:

By the way, I'm not trying insulting you, sorry. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at all.
Get back on topic?
What kind of information that you don't want to realease do you have in there?
Everyone else releases their exe.
Also, could you explain to me what the mod is like?

Ah no worries man, it takes a big man to apologise so I appreciate it. In regards to the sensitive information, (I suppose saying confidential information makes it sound a little extreme ^^) is that I connect directly to my online database from my server exe, so I have my database credentials stored in there. See I stupidly started off doing this cause it was easier and by the time I realized my mistake, I was too lazy to change it. I know how I am going to fix this, and will do so in the holidays so anyone can host a server.

Well I did mention it in my first post, but the main objective is to bring an account system for teeworlds over multiple mods. Focus is on global statistics tracking, such as average score for instagib maps, and overall points for the DDrace mod. I have also added a bunch of features that I felt were missing from each mod and some were possible due the addition of an account system. Here is a list of all the new features, for a full explanation of them visit teeworlds.co.za/help.php:

Commands in-Game

/w <Name> - Whisper
/callAdmin <Text>- Calls an admin
/bug <Text> - Send a bug report
/rating <1-10> - Rate maps.

/mc (map challenge) - Map challenge function, see description in first post.
/lock - Opt to stay in the same team even after you have killed.
/swap <Name>- Swap place with teammate
/commend <Name> - Send a commendation to a player who has been particularly helpful.
/grank - Gets your global ranking.

/stats - Displays the stats for the current round.
/gstats - Displays your global stats.

As you can see for DDrace I focused quite a bit on teaming as I feel that DDrace maps are most enjoyable in small groups which is why I encourage it through those additional features.

hmm what else.... There is also a tiering of users and their privileges.
- [G]uest represent non-account holders, they have all the access as a normal teeworlds player has, just dont have access to the new features.
- Member: Registered account. Access to all features.
- Veteran (6 months old account): Can call votes to kick guest players. Only other veteran/admin players can vote on this.

That is everything I can think of, for now, don't want to bore you guys too much. If you have any more questions feel free to ask.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

Uhhum..... You must of worked very hard to make a mod like that out of the blue. big_smile
I've been looking for good mods to play. I AM SOOO GOING TO PLAY YOURS WHEN YOU RELEASE IT OMG AWESOME!



Re: [MOD] oMOD

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:

Uhhum..... You must of worked very hard to make a mod like that out of the blue. big_smile
I've been looking for good mods to play. I AM SOOO GOING TO PLAY YOURS WHEN YOU RELEASE IT OMG AWESOME!

big_smile Thanks man, appreciate it. It seems to have picked up quite nicely by the community, so I definitely plan on releasing it to the Teeworlds community at large.

One thing is that I really need to get the Linux clients working, so f anyone reading this that knows how to get a client to request login details via terminal or GUI with Teeworlds on linux PLEASE send me a PM.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

Zodiac wrote:
Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:

Uhhum..... You must of worked very hard to make a mod like that out of the blue. big_smile
I've been looking for good mods to play. I AM SOOO GOING TO PLAY YOURS WHEN YOU RELEASE IT OMG AWESOME!

big_smile Thanks man, appreciate it. It seems to have picked up quite nicely by the community, so I definitely plan on releasing it to the Teeworlds community at large.

One thing is that I really need to get the Linux clients working, so f anyone reading this that knows how to get a client to request login details via terminal or GUI with Teeworlds on linux PLEASE send me a PM.

Oh man... I would help you, but I just switched from Linux Archbang to Windows XP, so I can't help you.
But good luck



Re: [MOD] oMOD

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:
Zodiac wrote:
Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:

Uhhum..... You must of worked very hard to make a mod like that out of the blue. big_smile
I've been looking for good mods to play. I AM SOOO GOING TO PLAY YOURS WHEN YOU RELEASE IT OMG AWESOME!

big_smile Thanks man, appreciate it. It seems to have picked up quite nicely by the community, so I definitely plan on releasing it to the Teeworlds community at large.

One thing is that I really need to get the Linux clients working, so f anyone reading this that knows how to get a client to request login details via terminal or GUI with Teeworlds on linux PLEASE send me a PM.

Oh man... I would help you, but I just switched from Linux Archbang to Windows XP, so I can't help you.
But good luck

Why XP, may as well go Windows 7.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

Lord Kirby [HDP] wrote:

Uhhum..... You must of worked very hard to make a mod like that out of the blue. big_smile
I've been looking for good mods to play. I AM SOOO GOING TO PLAY YOURS WHEN YOU RELEASE IT OMG AWESOME!

You have no idea, or maybe you do(Can't remember if you've made mods). I worked with Zod on the language filter, and I take all blame for the way it worked(dam shoe swearwords lol). I improved it and gave this to him.

PS: hoe is slang term for a woman that beds man for money yikes, or a tool used on fields for digging, planting crops..

Zodiac wrote:

big_smile Thanks man, appreciate it. It seems to have picked up quite nicely by the community, so I definitely plan on releasing it to the Teeworlds community at large.

One thing is that I really need to get the Linux clients working, so f anyone reading this that knows how to get a client to request login details via terminal or GUI with Teeworlds on linux PLEASE send me a PM.

Dude why you ask here, I can always do the linux client. Will speak you on skype

16 (edited by 2013-07-20 17:05:01)

Re: [MOD] oMOD

The mod has just come out of Beta and has been re-coded so it is now open-source. Check the first post for the updated details.

Another update of the oMod is out. Most importantly, the servers are now fully available to the public.

17 (edited by babak2010 2013-07-30 07:25:26)

Re: [MOD] oMOD

hi when i try to compile :

[161/164] #1 link openfng.exe
[162/164] #1 copy other\freetype\lib32\freetype.dll -> freetype.dll
[163/164] #1 copy other\sdl\lib32\SDL.dll -> SDL.dll
bam: error: a build step failed

c:\oFNG>c:\bam\bam release
[1/4] #1 c++ src/engine/server/oMod.cpp
c:\ofng\src\engine\server\msgStruct.hpp(3) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open incl
ude file: 'boost/serialization/vector.hpp': No such file or directory
bam: 'objs/engine/server/oMod.obj' error 2
[2/4] #1 c++ src/engine/server/server.cpp
c:\ofng\src\engine\server\msgStruct.hpp(3) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open incl
ude file: 'boost/serialization/vector.hpp': No such file or directory
bam: 'objs/engine/server/server.obj' error 2
[3/4] #1 c++ src/game/server/gamecontext.cpp
c:\ofng\src\engine\server\msgStruct.hpp(3) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open incl
ude file: 'boost/serialization/vector.hpp': No such file or directory
bam: 'objs/game/server/gamecontext.obj' error 2
bam: error: a build step failed



Re: [MOD] oMOD

You need Boost development headers/libraries.

Using Boost… That's just batshit crazy, Teeworlds' compilation time must have tripled at least.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

Also note that their is a class called vector in the STL which you have by default (no need for boost).

20 (edited by Zodiac 2013-07-30 13:26:16)

Re: [MOD] oMOD

m!nus wrote:

You need Boost development headers/libraries.

Using Boost… That's just batshit crazy, Teeworlds' compilation time must have tripled at least.

It did increase the compilation time slightly nothing major, but boost is so well supported that programming with it was a breeze. I feel like it was worth the trade off. However, if someone wants to redo all that using smaller libraries then be my guest.


Re: [MOD] oMOD

i get boost development boost_1_55_0b1 how can i compile oMod with boost ?