JoMama wrote:What is SMB?
Also that others do illegal stuff doesnt make it legal...
SMB Is Super Meat Boy. And Yeah I Know That it Technically Doesn't Make it Legal, but, It's not Like the People Were Sued, and... Angry Birds Was by mipEr. And not All of The Super Mario Bros Tilesets, I mean There Have been Multiple people Trying to Replicate mario Tilesets, They may not Be on the Forum, But I Have Seen Them on Maps Before RekRapins tileset.
+ I agree That It could be illegal, But... If the tileset Doesn't look Exactly like It But Sort of looks The Same... let's Just say multiple games have used grassy tiles That remind Me of Mario, but They've been around For years and They Haven't Been shut Down or Anything Like that.
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