where can tell me, how i can find the MousePos?
Thats means in a Server the Mouse/TargetPos.
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where can tell me, how i can find the MousePos?
Thats means in a Server the Mouse/TargetPos.
Look for character info, there's some vec2 variable, must be named m_position or something like that.
The class CCharect inherits from CEntity the public parameter "m_Pos"...
To know the mouse position in server side.. you have in the class CCharacter a private struct called "m_LastestInput" that it have a "m_TargetX" and "m_TargetY" parameters... then, to get the mouse position relative to the player: vec2((m_Pos.x+m_LatestInput.m_TargetX), (m_Pos.y+m_LatestInput.m_TargetY))
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