26 (edited by Twiss 2012-08-04 02:21:13)

Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

I heard, that this mod has a "secret" developer rcon password and some people find out it and can access now every Crylvl server with full remote access. Im not sure if its really true but i think so, because on this way you can also read out the password setted in the serverconfig. If you have multiple servers with the same password, it can be a danger for all servers. One guy gets one of my rcon passwords on this way (He said so). So i want to warn you all. I wrote a personal message to Irata to ask him whether this is true, but i didn't get any answer.


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Thats funny, after the last update i really build in a hard coded rcon password. But 2 days after thats update i stopped playing, because wanted to work more on my page and on a ragnarok server. I never give someone the Source of my mod and never someone the password (i forgot it myself big_smile). What i know is thats the password wasnt short, its i think a bad but impossible to find out without knowing me. And its was someting about 18chars long O.o I dont answer your PN because i wasnt online here for a long time, i had other things to do like i said~ so i have the source of my mod, i will put the hard code rcon password out, (funny is, on all my test server i had access to only 2 commands o.o). I think the update will be done tomorrow or maybe today.
Sry for the problems it makes you, i think someone crackt it~ never thought about that ^^ sry for all who had problems with it.

Oh and Twiss, you never should use 1 password for all, evertime use different passwords!

Linux version could take more time because i dont have a linux server anymore, so i cant compile it again for it so fast :x

~ http://irataprojects.de/ - Share your projects ~


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Irata wrote:

I never give someone the Source of my mod and never someone the password

Wikipedia ftw! big_smile

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

*facepalm* i mean the source of MY MOD where SOMEONE could read the password ~.~

~ http://irataprojects.de/ - Share your projects ~


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

hardcoded master passwords... So crackable.. big_smile

Once in a century...


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

You all stole the idea from me.
Masterrcon first seen in [N]City which was a private mod.
And now you include this shit in public mods, srsly. wtf?


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

OMG Master Rcons as so new :x no one ever does this in other server files :x oh how could i? >.< im so sry .__.
Botox~ really? Ask the mirror~ I never stoled something from you, master rcons are older then teeworlds~ And now stop flaming like a 12 year old kid~ thanks.

For the other, links updated, Linux and Windows version, forgot to change the version number, but you should see it at the file size~ thanks to Gravity for compile it for me to Linux.

chrchchrcrhcr over and out~ irata from irataprojects

~ http://irataprojects.de/ - Share your projects ~


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Learn ironic.
But btw. I'm really the "creator" of the so called masterrcon.
I also made up this name.


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

If another game uses sticks with spikes at the end and call it "hook", will it be stolen from Teeworlds? Huh, no, that's kind of common.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Oh lols that was a fucking joke.
I am just complaining that people are using masterrcons inside public mods...


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

What is the difference if it is a public or a private mod?

P.S. You complain about these shitty City and Zombie mods while you were the one to start them ( [N]City ; zEscape ) big_smile

Once in a century...


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Did you just say my zombie escape mod is shit? I'm going to kill your whole family, kbai.

I mean wtf Dark Hunter? Isn't that kinda obvious...
I included the masterrcon in [N]City in case the mod spreads (I've sent it to 2 people through Skype. One of them sent it to his friend and you know the story...) to shut down the servers.
But adding a backdoor in a closed-source programm isn't really umm.. clever? When people find out you're fucked.


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

IDK It's just this whole thing about private mods..It's kind of lame.. I mean imagine openFNG and zCatch as private mods (God NO!) You have a creation? Share it with the community.

BoToX wrote:

I included the masterrcon in [N]City in case the mod spreads (I've sent it to 2 people through Skype. One of them sent it to his friend and you know the story...)

So you were clever enough to make a back door but not clever enough to keep the private mod private?

BoToX wrote:

But adding a backdoor in a closed-source programm isn't really umm.. clever?


BoToX wrote:

I'm going to kill your whole family, kbai.

Just try. I'll brake your spine and tear you limb from limb (demonic laugh)

Once in a century...


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Haha big_smile long time since I've laughed so much! big_smile
I made this "backdoor" first the first version for a other mod, this mod shouldnt be public xD after the functions works there and i forgot what i made i copy&past it to the this public mod  :b From this point the Developer "backdoor" to see the admin abuse, i made special commands for it, buut i forgot it to change it in the newest version from full admin to only dev debug mod back xD i know, you will write now, "Dont lie *flame* *flame"~ but you dont know the source so, talk to my hand smile
Oh and i dont like too the City servers, the idea isnt bad, but the game isnt really made for this, in GTA SA-MP they made the reallife servers really good from the idea, and use all the things from the game. Thats possible because its made like a reallife game :b And the zcatch... mhmm dont like it eather. I like more Infection and infection is the reason is started with c++, i wanted to make it a little bit better, i like it how it is, but there small things ^^ But Gravity deleted the source~

I really dont know why you want to be the "best" or a "einstein" in teeworlds.. you dont create something special new~ teeworlds is a open source game for all! Everyone can make what he want, except say they made the full game and they give credits.

"Did you just say my zombie escape mod is shit? I'm going to kill your whole family, kbai." again, how old are you?
"Learn ironic." Why ironic? Thats was sarkasm...

At this point, Botox, you are a good c++ teeworlds fun developer, but not the best, you make small things, nothing special, look at mods like Battlefield! The Portal mods, the mods which also has modded clients, thats are fantastic mods, i like them all. AND THIS DEVELOPERS aren't mad because someone do something they also made, they have much more brain then you smile

Oh and i know i wanted go again buuut, wanted to edit the first post there 2 commands i forgott ;b

~ http://irataprojects.de/ - Share your projects ~


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Irata wrote:

Haha big_smile long time since I've laughed so much! big_smile
I made this "backdoor" first the first version for a other mod, this mod shouldnt be public xD after the functions works there and i forgot what i made i copy&past it to the this public mod  :b From this point the Developer "backdoor" to see the admin abuse, i made special commands for it, buut i forgot it to change it in the newest version from full admin to only dev debug mod back xD i know, you will write now, "Dont lie *flame* *flame"~ but you dont know the source so, talk to my hand smile
Oh and i dont like too the City servers, the idea isnt bad, but the game isnt really made for this, in GTA SA-MP they made the reallife servers really good from the idea, and use all the things from the game. Thats possible because its made like a reallife game :b And the zcatch... mhmm dont like it eather. I like more Infection and infection is the reason is started with c++, i wanted to make it a little bit better, i like it how it is, but there small things ^^ But Gravity deleted the source~

I really dont know why you want to be the "best" or a "einstein" in teeworlds.. you dont create something special new~ teeworlds is a open source game for all! Everyone can make what he want, except say they made the full game and they give credits.

"Did you just say my zombie escape mod is shit? I'm going to kill your whole family, kbai." again, how old are you?
"Learn ironic." Why ironic? Thats was sarkasm...

At this point, Botox, you are a good c++ teeworlds fun developer, but not the best, you make small things, nothing special, look at mods like Battlefield! The Portal mods, the mods which also has modded clients, thats are fantastic mods, i like them all. AND THIS DEVELOPERS aren't mad because someone do something they also made, they have much more brain then you smile

Oh and i know i wanted go again buuut, wanted to edit the first post there 2 commands i forgott ;b

Wtf I never said I'm mad. I am just disappointed that people use this "masterrcon" shit in public modes.
Ah fuck it think what you want. Useless discussion. Leaving thread.


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

so cute discussion ^_^.
i wonder if there is any thing in world that wasn't made and not published by botox.

As many other things on planet, this one can be solved with Vi.


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

He taught matricks in the art of Super Mario/Quake 3 hybrid games :-)

Once in a century...


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

@Irata do you still continue the mod?


Re: [MOD] cryLvL Public LvL Mod

Nope ^^ Stopped playing teeworlds.
But still playing around to make a remake of the Infection Mod together with Gravity.

~ http://irataprojects.de/ - Share your projects ~