Re: Teeworlds statistics

Pathos wrote:

Integration with Teerace (race.teesites.net) API token system would be amazing.

teeworlds statistics is following a completely different approach to gather the data from teeworlds servers. On teerace the servers send the data directly to teerace using the API while teeworlds statistics just scans the master servers. Doing the same stuff with an API like teerace would require all servers to be able to use the API and it would require a lot of server power to handle all the requests from all teeworlds servers.

uptee - a simple web interface for hosting and maintaining teeworlds servers
teerace - a website gathering results of trusted Race-mod servers providing global ranking and statistics
*gV* rox ^^


Re: Teeworlds statistics

@TeecTac you got a private message


Re: Teeworlds statistics

Integration into an existing service seems a good idea.

teeworlds-stats server expires in april, i'd like to find a new home for it by then.

Developper of teeworlds-stats.info

79 (edited by Pathos 2016-01-31 20:02:45)

Re: Teeworlds statistics

Sushi Tee wrote:

teeworlds statistics is following a completely different approach to gather the data from teeworlds servers. On teerace the servers send the data directly to teerace using the API while teeworlds statistics just scans the master servers. Doing the same stuff with an API like teerace would require all servers to be able to use the API and it would require a lot of server power to handle all the requests from all teeworlds servers.

I understand the big picture. In my post, I wrote it like I want Teeworlds-stats to expand, but I should have made it clearer that I wanted Teerace to expand. To clarify further, Teerace's new feature can be tracking players' stats other than just race/fastcap times.

Also, the new feature doesn't have to come from all TW servers either--just need servers with valid Teerace server tokens you give to the server admins report to the Teerace server. Teeworlds-stats is prone to fakers anyway, therefore sampling error, thus biased and inconsistent. With Teerace API token system (or any account system for that matter), problem would be minimized.


Re: Teeworlds statistics

Following a report: teeworlds-stats.info is now down. People looking for a Teeworlds server stats website would probably be interested in status.tw ( https://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=12557 ) instead.

Not Luck, Just Magic.