Topic: [MOD] WaterMOD for 0.6
Yesterday Avo (a teeworlds player like you ) told me how cool it would be to have the WaterMOD back in 0.6
Yeah that's what I spent the night doing
And here it is! The WaterMOD for Teeworlds 0.6!
This mod is just a rewritten version of the WaterMOD from 0.5 so don't expect anything new here ^^
I used different doors which are on a extra layer for which you need a special client for mapping.
I've also added teleporter and speedups from the racemod.
Copypasta from inheriteds post:
What is WaterMOD?
WaterMOD is a modification which brings new elements of gameplay to Teeworlds
The features are
Water with effects on your body like friction, oxygen consumption, water current in different directions
Doors which prevent you from going through them until you push the button (with fancy graphics
Team related doors which can be operated by red or blue team
Rifle reflecting water
Compatible to all (standard) game modes
Instagib (if you want to)
Open source (of course)
How can I adjust WaterMod?
There are many server variables you can use to change the behavior of WaterMOD
The most important are:
name, default, min, max, description
sv_water_gravity, 30, -10000, 10000, gravity in water
sv_water_maxx, 600, -10000, 10000, max velocity in x direction when in water
sv_water_maxy, 450, -10000, 10000, max velocity in y direction when in water
sv_water_friction, 90, -10000, 10000, friction in water
sv_water_oxygen, 1, 0, 1, use oxygen in water
sv_water_oxy_drain, 1300, -100000, 100000, speed of oxygen degeneration in water (50=1sec)
sv_water_oxy_regen, 250, -100000, 100000, speed of oxygen regeneration out of water
sv_water_oxy_emoteid, 3, 0, 100000, number of emote to show when getting damage due to oxygen
sv_water_gain, 100, 0, 100000, added speed if in flowing water
sv_water_reflect, 1, 0, 1, reflect lasers at water
The gametypes are: dm, ctf, tdm, idm, ictf, itdm
Are there any limitations in WaterMOD
Yes, there are some limitations. One is that with high pings you might see the result of wrong client prediction of what will happen next. This is because I wanted to keep te mod compatible to the standard clients.
As I do my own physical calculations, the client thinks that just gravity is doing his job.
How can I make maps for this mod?
Just like for vanilla with only one difference for the doors:
Open the client which is supplyed in the downloads. Open up the editor and rightclick on the game group and click on "Add Tool layer". Now choose the Door Start tile. You can change the team and number in the top bar (there's a tool tab). Place it anywhere and choose a Door End tile, place it. You also need to place a Door Switch tile. Note that the team needs to be the same for all tiles with the same number. The door will go from the Start to the End tile and if you place a Door Block tile it wont go through it. You can also make more start and endpoints.
The entities:
Are there compatible maps
There are indeed some maps yet, which iphone747 made for me.
Here's the famous waterpirates map which i fixed and adjusted for the new mod:
Now give me that stuff!
Server(Windows x86):
Server(Linux x86):
Server(Linux x64):
Mapping Client(Windows x86):
and you need special datafiles for the client aswell:
(The files are hosted on my homeserver :s)
No problem! There's a server online and you can either search for water or connect directly:
Special thanks go to:
inherited for the original mod
Apprentice Sheng for helping inherited
iphone747 for the beautiful maps
SushiTee for his racemod
and Avo for giving me the idea to remake this mod
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