Topic: [TUTORIAL] How to Compile Teeworlds Under Windows
Warning: this post is old and not up-to-date to the last version requirements. You may want to follow the guide in the wiki instead. // Dune
Before starting this tutorial, I want you to know some stuff.
1) This tutorial works only on Windows, I may create a Linux tutorial later
2) theanomaly gave me the idea of this tutorial on this page.
3) This tutorial works on 6.x Teeworlds Versions, and probably on 7.x
4) For who don't know, this is a tutorial for mod creators.
5) There is an Linux topic as well, created by theanomaly, here.
6) There is a video version, you can see it here.
Download and install this softwares:
Visual Studio Express 2010
Python 3.2.1
Bam 4.0 (Need to be compiled)
Teeworlds Source (This is the original one, on zip)
Compiling Bam 4.0
Create a folder on C:\ and call it bam
Than Drop all the Bam 4.0 zip file under this folder
Now go to the console (cmd) and write:
cd C:\bam
Now wait. The bam will compile himself.
Compiling Teeworlds
Create a folder on C:\ and call it tws
Than Drop the source of Teeworlds under this folder
Now go to the console (cmd) and write:
For 32 Bit PCs:
%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"" x86For 64 Bit PCs:
%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"" x86
cd c:\tws
c:\bam\bam release
You can try to use c:\bam\bam debug or just c:\bam\bam if you want to.
Done! Your Teeworlds is now compiled! Congratz!
Any problem or error on my topic? Give a comment!