Topic: [QUESTION] IPv6

Just a simple question for the devs,

is there any plan to make TeeWorlds talk IPv6 in the near future ?

I know it's not really common, but meh, that's just a question :P



I've thought about it. Not in a near future because I don't really see the point to waste energy on that yet.



Two years later. It may last no more that two more years than IPv4 will be on the edge of death. I think it's already the time to make Teeworlds IPv6 ready, isn't it? smile

I am going to setup IPv6-only networks and IPv4-fixed network games make it a bit more difficult. wink

4 (edited by BitcoinGreek 2014-11-26 01:24:42)


You really DO dismiss IPv6 or you live in undeveloped 3rd world countries(that really must explain why there hasn't been a posting on IPv6 since 2010 and now the year is late 2014) ---»

Lately my ISP throws me off the IPv4 internet and instead only gives me two IPv6 addresses.(assuming I only need Google_IPv6 and Facebook_IPv6 for my everyday needs)

The teeworlds forum itself does NOT support IPv6(which means I'm using IPv4 now), and the teeworlds game is dissing IPv6. That's it, so if I wanna play on your servers I have to use the old NATed to hell, IPv4. Not blaming you, just saying you could all be having your own IP adress(in IPv6). Wonder what response it would trigger asking your ISP if they could give you an IPv6 address.

Sites that are IPv6 capable right now: Google. Facebook 'works' and then the employment agency(to some extent) here in Sweden supports it and the tax authority(to some extent) website. That's about it, but only because Sweden is a pretty decent and developed country, though not as developed as the Google country(oh wait, Google isn't a country)

Not to mention Wikipedia and Youtube which are fully IPv6 compliant. Some games do support IPv6. Teeworlds is not one of them so good luck in implementing IPv6 some day

Teeworlds is an IPv4-only game