Topic: Set Map Type in editor?

Hey guys,

I just ran a couple of quick searches for this but I can't seem to come up with the solution that I need.  I followed user analog's map making tutorial for version 0.6.0 to build my first map.

The tutorial was very helpful and the map plays just fine.  For my first attempt, I created a simple DM/TDM map.  I have only one issue with the map.  Apparently it is set as a CTF map somehow and so neither team (when played as TDM) ever gets any team points.  How do I specify the map type (DM/CTF) in the map editor?

Thanks in advance for your help!

-  Clyde


Re: Set Map Type in editor?

The server sets the gametype. You can play DM on a CTF map, etc.

Whatever gametype the server is set to, will be what the map is played as.


Re: Set Map Type in editor?

Thanks for the reply.  After looking closely, my server config file did list the game type as CTF.  Thanks again for your help.

- Clyde