Lalorobot wrote:Is it available to play? ...
Well i would say there is not much to play
There is a static map on the screen in tee-style where you can move and jump around. With some background audio (only wanted to test the audio support)
It's all coded in less time so it's not perfect at all. (Still collision-jump-bug)
Hmmm...i didn't wanted to publish or upload this, but till i am really surprised how fast and easy things are going, i am thinking of developing a small game of this.
So maybe it's not bad to hear some other opinions about the game or more the future game could be.
Lalorobot wrote:...note:left 1 lft 2 left3?????
See the little man in the old sprite image i mentioned? There are 3 small images where he is walking left, by switching this 3 images in a loop, it looks like he is walking left.
So for the tee there should be also 2 to 3 images where he is walking left to generate a good animation. For the right walking i think it should do the trick by mirror the image.
(It is the easiest way to get a teesih player now. - Later i try to build the tee with teeworlds skins as the client do and than rotation the feet to animate the walking.)
Franchan wrote:get a demo of a tee walking
slow it down to 0.05 speed and pause when needed to get your general tee walking feet movement
This is a very good idea. But one thing: For a transparent background i need a map with only the gamelayer, so i have no grass-main or what ever in the demo/image.
BUT (i haven't played tw a long time) wasn't there strange colors when having no background set in the map?
All in all i thought this is done in a few minutes for some designer here which have already the default tee svg and only must rotate the feet a little.
( If it's really too much work i will directly going through drawing the tee by loading the skin files )
[Maybe i will upload the game later when i am at home]
Ok, before clicking on the following link i must draw attention that this is no stable version.
There for, the "game" is only supported for chrome for now.
I tested the game with the newest FF version ...well it's running but lagging much.
I must repeat that this game was only created to test some Html5 features.
Not all browsers have full html5 support, so it could be that the audio and local storage won't work, but that should only have impact on the music.
Also the audio isn't yet integrated in the preloader, so i recommend to reload the page after visiting the first time (assets are already cached than)
Start Teeworlds in the box!
(with on collision-jump bug it's possible to get on the platform with windows size 1024x.. - Can you reach it? )