Topic: Adding player velocity to the grenade velocity
Just like the subject says. In CTF, the EFC(Enemy flag carrier) has huge advantage with grenades when he/she is being chased. More speed, higher advantage.
This is because grenades have static speed. When you run forwards the grenade will fall in front of you. Too close. When running backwards the grenade will fall way farther, because the speed is static. Thus, when someone chases another, the escapee has great advantage due to "increased" range. He/she can shoot way "longer" shots from longer distances, while the chaser has to come very near to be able to hit.
This isn't really an unbalance issue, but there are people who are very fast with grenade boost + hook, that you literally CAN'T kill them unless you can get in front of them, while they can kill you from almost a screen away.
This applies in DM also. I found out that when you start "defensive" play and run away with grenades, you can kill the chaser and she/he has no chance to even hit you if the distance is long enough, while you can even shoot too far. When time goes by, and more and more people realize this, there can be situations when no one wants to rush, but everyone wants to run away. Though, that will be rare and won't happen anytime soon but it seems to be very efficient tactic if used well.
All of this applies to pistol/shotgun as well!
Other solution would be to make Tees slower or grenades/pistol/shotgun projectiles faster.