Topic: [MOD] ddrace

can someone tell me how can i build a ddrace server?
i dont know how to create the ninja efect in the black areas


Re: [MOD] ddrace

1. Awesome Skin Pikachu
2. Go Right here http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&a … l1.4.1l7l0
3. Save YOUR DDrace Tileset under save as... And Then Put it in Desktop.
4. Go to Teeworlds Folder -> Data -> Editor
5. Erase your current entities.png
6. Rename your DDRace Entities to entities.png
7. Put the DDRace entities into Your Editor folder.
8. DON'T go here Yet http://ddrace.info/forum/
9.Well you need to download the DDRace Mod So .. Yeah. At least You know how to put DDRace tiles down.

Italic text


Re: [MOD] ddrace

There's absolutely no need to get the entities. He's only asking for the mod, and you didn't explain him how to setup a server. Thus, your post is useless, sir.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] ddrace

If you want Freeze in Black Areas, Yes. you do need The Correct Entities. I couldn't find The mod because the .info sight was closed. There are plenty of posts about setting up servers.

Italic text


Re: [MOD] ddrace

The site ddrace.info seems to be closed, but this link here is still working.

here you can get the ddrace-mod.