Topic: Where is the players array?
I've created a standalone stats program which monitors players location so it can give fun (although pointless) information on other players like; avg speed, distance covered, etc etc..
I want to add it to TeeWorlds Binary but have little knowledge of where things are or what they are called.
I'm looking the array of players so I can send them into my function which will create stats file.
I would like to get the following information;
PlayerID or PlayerName, X location on map, Y location on map, TEAM (if its a team game), active weapon
Also is there an ID so I know who the current user is, so I can highlight them in the lists.
Thank-you for your time
Sorry for been such a noob but this is my first "real" time in TeeWorlds. Also is there a detailed document which says what each variable is and the values of everyone?