Topic: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

a small list:

Registration system with email Username(ingame nick) password
Editor: nameable layers & groups
Editor: undo/redo function
Better firendsystem
Whispering system
Rcon: command to list the maps available on the server
map info in the maps

« Owner of Teesites.net
« Domination Mod "Developer"
« Uptee Designer


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

Almost everything you said is already here.

» Albert Einsteein: I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

The rcon command list can already be implemented on a 0.6.1, no need to break compatibility for that.
And if I remember right, they rejected the whispering system / all kind of offline chatting because of spamming/advertising issues. I may have mistaken you, did you mean a PM function?

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

I am a new member and also Italian, so I do not speak English very well. sad But in a possible new version of Teeworlds:
we can put a chat where everyone can talk to everyone, but basis of languages? example: "Italian Chat" or "English Chat " and create anti-spam? example: two identical messages = muted for 5 minutes
If after 5 minutes re-spam mad , he is banned from the chat for 1 day


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

When you said whispering,you mean send a message that only 1 pesron can read? Like
All: @someguy:blablblalba

Once in a century...

6 (edited by Fisico 2011-05-06 10:43:36)

Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

i think @

/w <Player> <Text>
/w someguy hey whats going on

and why you downvote my post?

« Owner of Teesites.net
« Domination Mod "Developer"
« Uptee Designer

7 (edited by DARK HUNTER 2011-05-06 10:56:57)

Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

Fisico wrote:

i think @

/w <Player> <Text>
/w someguy hey whats going on

and why you downvote my post?

And what if someone has a long name with spaces?

/w some randow idiot out of nowhere<space> Hey man! ????

Maybe like this:

/w name of the guy "My text blablabla"

Seperate the text with quotes...Like the add_vote smile

btw: the "cmdlist" command should have been implemented ages ago! yikes

EDIT: "Stuff we need in tw 0.7" Hey! Where are you going so fast? Wait for 0.6.1 and 0.6.2 smile

Once in a century...


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

Fisico wrote:

i think @

/w <Player> <Text>
/w someguy hey whats going on

and why you downvote my post?

You did not answer the question. We don't care about the syntax, much more about what you mean with "whispering". Is it simply PM-ing players of your server, or do you request an offline whispering system (e.g. you are out of the server and whisper to someone in-game)?

Not Luck, Just Magic.

9 (edited by Fisico 2011-05-06 13:22:27)

Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

no only on a server
for offline chat you need accounts

with accounts we could make a real friend system with accept and refuse

« Owner of Teesites.net
« Domination Mod "Developer"
« Uptee Designer


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

About your account system suggestion, in the official ideas for the next version topic there's a section about account based functions, which allow you e.g. to send offline messages:

|SUGGESTION| Ideas for the next version wrote:

Account based functions (Accounts are currently not implementend, but will be at some point)
• Ability to report specific users
• Account based statistics
• Achievement system
• A personal ignore option
• Auto-join on clanmembers
• Ingame system to form clans
• List for friends and ignored users
• Long term statistics about kill / death ratio, flags times, weapon usage, etc.
• Show the nationality of each player (Example)
• Use clan name as team name instead of "Red" or "Blue"

And again about the Private Messaging feature:

Community features
Private messaging (it requires accounts)

Anyway if you need to send a private message to someone in a server you need to change the source, anyway I guess that developers are thinking on something about it since we have already the new highlight system in the chat.

» Albert Einsteein: I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

Apmox wrote:

Anyway if you need to send a private message to someone in a server you need to change the source, anyway I guess that developers are thinking on something about it since we have already the new highlight system in the chat.

I think that the highlighting thing is enough as long as we don't establish a whispering system between multiple servers.


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0


Teeworlds [ friends ] clan
Some YouTube Stuff about Teeworlds


Re: Stuff what we need in tw 0.7.0

I'm just working for an personal inofficial release on teeworlds with whispering, registration and  some more. big_smile
I believe it wouldn't be a problem for a cpp-noob when you just look into the source.
I'm a noob in c++ too (almost, since i was lookin into teeworlds source, i'm some greater in c++ xD), but i'm creatin a mod, as you could read. ;D