Topic: Updating MOD from 0.5.2


I've got a mod, which is 0.5.2 and I want to update it to 0.6.0, is there a list of things, what I have to update?

Greetz, moro


Re: Updating MOD from 0.5.2

Take the 0.6.0 sources, and recode it completly. If you are not the mod developper, contact him, you cannot do anything if you have no experience in programmation. There is no automated tool.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Updating MOD from 0.5.2

Okay, I was just thinking, maybe there's a list of changes in the source.


Re: Updating MOD from 0.5.2

The sources have been refactored, so getting the 0.5.2 modified sources and trying to make them 0.6-compatible isn't the right idea, you need to start again from 0.6.

Not Luck, Just Magic.