Topic: Changes in 0.6.0?


Is there a detailed changelog about what has been changed in the 0.6.0 release (which files, etc.)?

What changes have been made to the game-logic, etc.?

Are 0.5.2 Maps still compatible with the new version?

Do I have to rewrite all mods/serverside changes - or can I still apply (of course slightly modified) patches (.diffs) made for 0.5.2?



Re: Changes in 0.6.0?

about the first 2 questions: https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/commits/master
feel free to read through every commit wink

the map version didnt change so the maps are compatible. But the mepres changes so it might look strange (u have to remap some maps for the new mapres if u want the map look nice)

You cannot apply any patch from 0.5.2 on the 0.6 code even if the patch only changes a single line because very single variable or Class got renamed to make the code more readable.

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