Re: 0.6.0 released!

Elite Tee wrote:

Dude,I know.
Ne moraš meni da pričaš. Brate,govorim srpski. Samo dodaš J u nekoliko reči... smile

BTW: When is 0.6.1 coming out? Looking forward to it  >.> smile

1. Stick to topic
2. English only, please
3. We have not set up a schedule for 0.6.1, yet. 0.6.0 is running smoothly.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Landil wrote:

2. English only, please

Well, at least add a English translation next to it. Otherwise, don't.

Azon wrote:

In the past we have also accepted non-English posts as long as they were combined with a (community-made) English translation. This is something which is still accepted as long as the content of the post is relevant and doesn't go against the other rules.

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Awesome work. Thanks all developers of this release.

79 (edited by ChrisyFieldz 2011-04-17 19:28:44)

Re: 0.6.0 released!

Hahaaha What Happened To Teewars? It was better... but this is better than 0.5.2.... yet... less players and less servers... so i hope there's more servers to come... you CTF4 (Newer version) haters I Like the newer version more personally. thank you teeworlds official mappers. you're way better than me and you just get it right every time. my best map is called GU-Dm... And That one sucks. so you should be thanking the teeworlds mappers... because you can play the old version and new version of Ctf4, so it's really just a new map. I don't see what the problem is... it's a big improvement and big update. for you haters these people who made this have been working their butts off for a year and a half when you can just play the game. sickening you disturb people like that.

Italic text

80 (edited by Franchan 2011-04-17 20:09:06)

Re: 0.6.0 released!

does anyone know the average amount of time it takes for people to switch to a newer version?

because I really hope people won't be playing 0.5.2 when 0.6.1 comes out...

(and just being curious here because the devs might now, how many people are still playing 0.4.x?)


Re: 0.6.0 released!

What's up with the strange permissions in the 0.6.0 tar file? User and group permissions are zeroed out.

Did anyone find a suitable replacement font already? The default DejaVu looks really awful. The old raster fonts won't work anymore.

The best I could do ad-hoc was Comic Sans. But that's unsatisfactory still. While it looks acceptable in-game, the server-menus and score table keep looking odd. But does anyone know a nicer font that's boldish for the player names, but still legible in menus?


Re: 0.6.0 released!

milki wrote:

What's up with the strange permissions in the 0.6.0 tar file? User and group permissions are zeroed out.

Yes, the permissions are wrong... As far as I know, the problem is that the released archive directly came from the build server and were only edited later for a more suitable directory name, but permissions were not thought further.

milki wrote:

Did anyone find a suitable replacement font already? The default DejaVu looks really awful. The old raster fonts won't work anymore.

The best I could do ad-hoc was Comic Sans. But that's unsatisfactory still. While it looks acceptable in-game, the server-menus and score table keep looking odd. But does anyone know a nicer font that's boldish for the player names, but still legible in menus?

I'm using Free Sans Bold and it does look a lot like 0.5.x. Not sure where I got it though.


Re: 0.6.0 released!

I use Alte Haas Grotesk, but you can find many fonts on dafont.com.


Re: 0.6.0 released!

- - - if anyone wants to discuss the new font, please create a new thread - - -

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: 0.6.0 released!

is 0.6 compatible with mac os 10.6?


Re: 0.6.0 released!

If you have freetype (afaik present from the 10.4 version), yes.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: 0.6.0 released!

off servers on version 0.5.2

then 0.6.0 will play more players! Now in 0.5.2 players more than 0.6.0


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Know is Teeworlds 0.6 Out i Like 0.6 Thats the best Teeworlds Update *_* ,but wehn Teeworlds 0.6.1 Comes Out ?? Because People speak about Teeworlds 0.6.1


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Noreturn wrote:

Know is Teeworlds 0.6 Out i Like 0.6 Thats the best Teeworlds Update *_* ,but wehn Teeworlds 0.6.1 Comes Out ?? Because People speak about Teeworlds 0.6.1

It's done, when it's done.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Landil wrote:

It's done, when it's done.

Thats's what they said about Black Mesa."We have always gone for a 'when it's done' approach." And look it's still in development.
But you guys I trust to develop faster. ;D

Once in a century...


Re: 0.6.0 released!

i couldnt make new topic so....

IF ure goin to make 0.6.1 , make costom skins MORE widely so i can see what skin uses others (downloading it) smile


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Exas wrote:

IF ure goin to make 0.6.1 , make costom skins MORE widely so i can see what skin uses others (downloading it) smile

No. If you want to know why, look in the forum. It has been suggested like a billion times.
If you have more suggestions, post them here.

Don't you think it's time to close this thread?


Re: 0.6.0 released!

AwayD wrote:
Exas wrote:

IF ure goin to make 0.6.1 , make costom skins MORE widely so i can see what skin uses others (downloading it) smile

No. If you want to know why, look in the forum. It has been suggested like a billion times.
If you have more suggestions, post them here.

Don't you think it's time to close this thread?

Both times NO.

1. I dislike custom skins in an official release. If people want to add custom skins they can do it.
2. This thread stays open, because there are still people who might want to give feedback to this release.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Damn! Still can't belive 0.6 is out! big_smile We were waiting for it for so long smile smile

btw: Does anybody remembers this big_smile

Once in a century...


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Cool, Lets Party..

96 (edited by kneekoo 2011-06-26 19:01:19)

Re: 0.6.0 released!

Are there significant changes to the server settings that should be added to the current documentation? Those would be nice. I don't know if the official client can be used to vote maps - I didn't find the server setting for that. I noticed there's a patch for that but I prefer the standard client. smile The new maps are great, especially ctf4. smile Thanks guys! Excellent job!


Re: 0.6.0 released!

The documentation is already updated. You can use the settings/commands that are listed there. Be sure you notice the change for the vote command: it's not addvote anymore but add_vote now.


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Only the addvote setting has changed. Look here.
For example if you want to change map to ctf5:

Old code:

addvote sv_map ctf5

New code:

add_vote "Change map to ctf5" sv_map ctf5

Where "Change map to ctf5" is put your description.

Once in a century...


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Good work wink


Re: 0.6.0 released!

Thanks a lot, guys! smile It worked like a charm. Considering I wanted to build the server's configuration I was looking for the voting feature in the server settings, not the server commands. The next time I need to start from scratch I'll know. big_smile