Topic: Hook + Dyn + Emote

Hello, I would like to activate the dynamic camera as soon as I hook. Make more my usual emote: 2... What is the code to be gone into the console?


Sorry for the bad English but I use translator.


Re: Hook + Dyn + Emote

Uf! What you want?

If you want to show second emotion when you are clicking on hook key (mouse2 is standart), use that:

bind mouse2 "+hook; emote 2"

If you want to show second emotion when you are clicking on special key (on your choise), use that:

bind SKEY emote 2

SKEY - is special key code on your choise.

You may enter that to the end of the settings.cfg configuration file.


Re: Hook + Dyn + Emote

Allowing dyncam on hooking is a kind of cheat imo.

Stay wild big_smile