Topic: [MOD] TDDRace
Hi all
This is cool DDRace mod!
in this fashion only fit double-layer maps. Example maps
commands in chat:
rank - your rank!
/ top5 - Top 5!
/ r - a return to the point where you were not in the freeze!
/ pause - stop you on the spot (only works when sv_pauseable 1 in config)
Chat commands after the passage of maps:
/ rainbow - the color of your tee is changing!
/ rainbow 2 - changing the color of your tee!
/ rainbow 3 - the color of the legs of your tee is changing!
/ rainbow 4 - the color of your tee is changing!
/ death - the effect of spray!
/ spawn - just an effect!
/ tail - the tail!
/ tail 2 - tail when he flies around!
/ detecter - maintain a position detector for / r
/ invis - show up and ischezaesh (he did not uvidesh )!
/ weapons - Gives a weapon!
/ jet - able to watch !
/ finishCMD - there are these commands
rcon commands 1 lvl and above:
up - a shift in the cell up!
down - shift to a cell down!
left - a shift in the cell to the left!
right - the shift to the cell to the right!
weapons_me - gives all weapons!
super_me - gives super!
unsuper_me - takes super!
hammer_me 1-3 - Super Hammer!
ninja_me - gives a ninja!
rainbow_me - changing the color of your tee! (Redial off)
grenade_me 1-10 - super bazooka! (Redial off)
laser_me 1-10 - super laser! (Redial off)
shotgun_me 1-10 - Super shotgun! (Redial off)
invis_me - invisibility! (Redial off)
pow_me - super weapon! (Redial off)
jet_me - xs Th ... it themselves to see! (Redial off)
rcon commands 2 lvl above:
tele id id2 - Teleport to the id id2!
weapons id - gives all weapons id!
super id - gives the id super!
unsuper id - takes a super id!
hammer id 1-3 - gives the id Super Hammer!
ninja id - id gives a ninja!
kill_pl id - killing id!
mute id time - does not write in chat id on time time!
rainbow id - id change the color of tee! (Redial off)
grenade id 1-10 - gives the id Super Bazooka! (Redial off)
laser id 1-10 - gives the id super laser! (Redial off)
shotgun id 1-10 - gives the id super shotgun! (Redial off)
invis id - gives invisibility id player! (Redial off)
pow id - gives the player a super weapon id! (Redial off)
jet id - gives ... id player! (Redial off)
rcon commands 3 lvl and above:
auth id 0-2 - Gives lvl player id!
say_by id text - to speak on player id text!
rename id name - rename player id to name a name!
pause - stop almost everything!
lvl - gives you a lvl!
score - gives you the score!
control id - id control over player! (Redial off)
Config command
sv_reload a function / r on 0-function / r off (standard 1)
sv_gunexp 1 - cartridges gun explosion 0 is not an explosion (standard 0)
sv_dmgall 1 - all can kill all the 0-can not kill (standard 0)