Topic: [QUESTION] Ban IP range?

Is there a way to ban a range of IPs, I have someone who's constantly crashing my server but has a different IP every time he joins. The beginning of his IP remains the same except the last 3/5 digits.

For example banning every IP that starts with:11.222.xx.xxx

Also: Is there a way to add the ban command into the .cfg of a server, since bans reset when the server resets...


2 (edited by Lanta 2010-07-04 22:37:55)

Re: [QUESTION] Ban IP range?

1) the server won't crash if you are not using a mod and your server is up-to-date
2) no, there is no ban for ip-range in the official version
3) no, bans are not saved... you have to modify the server to add this function

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [QUESTION] Ban IP range?

An ingame ban is useless against crashing the server with the current well known bug, update the server or use a firewall (e.g. iptables)