Topic: Update and AutoBuilder
Hello fellow Tees,
My time has been consumed by my private life recently and I've haven't gotten much work done on Teeworlds. Others like Oy have however so big thanks there.
The Teeworlds source code has been re-factored, new font rendering that supports Unicode, translations etc are some of the features that are done but not in a release. One of the bigger problems however is that there have started to pop up more and more exploits that can crash the servers and clients. One problem with fixing these is how to respond to them quickly. Making a new release usually involves a lot of time doing testing and coordinating with a couple of people.
So, today I had some free time to spend so I set up an auto build system for Teeworlds that builds the latest code for Linux x86, Linux x86_64 and Win32. Sorry mac users, I don't have a mac. The latest version is still network compatible with 0.5 and I suggest that people start trying out the builds.
You can find the builds at this here:
Also, check out the time line if you wanna know whats happened between to version. You can find it here:
So, grab em and start testing. If you report errors or bugs, it's VERY important to report what version you used so we don't chase things that we already fixed.