Topic: [SUGGESTION] Bugdefense with iptables?

I wonder if it would be possible to immunise the rootserver and all its teeworlds server from the bug with too small package or whatever is causing that Problem.

I know that iptables is very powerful and i am using it against small ddos attacks, but i have no idea how to use it against this f***** up server crashers, since i don't really even know what the bug does.

2 (edited by erd 2010-05-25 14:34:25)

Re: [SUGGESTION] Bugdefense with iptables?

Nice idea, but I guess this is very difficult. The patch for the bug can be found here: http://www.teeworlds.com/track/teeworlds/changeset/2009. See the whole file at http://www.teeworlds.com/track/teeworld … c?rev=2009. The patch is applied at line 227, but also note the previous packet size check at line 202. "NET_PACKETHEADERSIZE" is 3, the patch later checks for packages smaller then 6 byte. I tryed to set NET_PACKETHEADERSIZE to 6 instead of applying the other patch, but this way no client can connect to the server. So it isn't possible to just filter out all packages smaller then 6 byte sad Would be although interesting if iptables can filter packages by size, I'm not very familar with it.


Re: [SUGGESTION] Bugdefense with iptables?

http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6117 is currently the best solution apart from manually patching and compiling. If you're running many mods on your server, I guess this is a hint about the problems with doing that. If you're running vanilla, Kottizen's Vanilla+ should work well enough until an official release or statement is made (which is likely to take a while considering the current development tempo)

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Re: [SUGGESTION] Bugdefense with iptables?

Yea, i actually host around 20 Teeworlds Servers, and hell LIKE EVERYONE got a different mod. So i'd prefer letting them getting crashed instead of fckn patching every damn single mod against some retards. That just sux. So thats the main reason why i'd prefer using iptables.

Is there some serious linux iptables crack around here :3?