Well, Jon... If we play Teeworld, everything we draw for it should be tee-style? No?
But, we can draw tees not only in inkscape, photoshop or other programs. We can also use pancil, pen, and other cool stuff we have in real life. (Thats what im about to do )
And Flight - 1) You can make all kind of emotions to the tee, there's no such thing called "the most popular emotion". If you draw funny - we laugh, if you draw sad - we cry (or just make a sad face, ok? )
2) The shadows of the tee should not be pixely, the art itself shouldnt be pixely to. Adding some
things from.. I dont know.. "Comando", for example, in your Tee-Ish Art - Its not good. (I know some ppl think it cool, but forget about it! Its gross! oO)
3) Gradients are really nice if you use them as a background. If you take a look it this art I made
You will see the gradient behind the mountains. The hands of the tee, as some pro-arts told me before, shouldnt be round. And the legs too. Well... Thats all I can say for now.
---------> Good Luck !!! <-----------
Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...