1 (edited by Harraps 2010-02-14 13:04:54)

Topic: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

At first, if you think i should add some things (weapon, mapres, teeskin) tell me on this topic !

the data complete
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=d5b6 … 6a5faff527

the game skin can be used for the mod "Node"

the particles

some teeskin

and my tee

There are more in the data (mapres, other teeskin, new node's builds)


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

copy + paste, looks bad and i dont see any credits


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

oh noez! Take a look at the sticky posts to find some links to some grafx tutorials.

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

You should add some skill to the graphics.

Barney Stinson is awesome - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGd-3mdUaf4
And he is a true Master of magic - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsh7W3PY … eature=fvw
Yeah... Magic is pretty cool...


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

Well, thanks.
I'm sorry if I didn't have add credits but it's not a simple copy paste.
And you didn't have download the Data.
So sorry.

Thanks to
the Messenger
101kl & studio paw
If I had forgotten someone tell me.
But I had modified the biggest part of the skins.


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

The particles are nice, but the other work... As it was said before - try to use some tutorials, cause
copy&pasting doesn't look very nice in your works. smile

Its nice to know that there are people who like TW so much smile Wish u luck and progress wink

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

The particles aren't from him...

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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)

8 (edited by Harraps 2010-02-15 17:07:52)

Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

Yes they are not from me
Shame on me !

But in game we don't see any difference !
And it look like retro

But what do you speak about copyrights ?
(Sorry for my english)


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

I had make this data skin just for me.
And I thought that you could be happy to have the same.
But  I was wrong.

So if you think I should delete this topic tell me.
I'm going to sleep.
Good night...


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

Hey man relax big_smile We're not shootin ya you know, its just that if u show smth
u need to do it with your arms and give it a good quality smile Try to use inscape (or inskape?) or Photoshop programs smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

Inkscape wink
And photoshop isn't good too, because it's no vector programm.
(See the difference here.)

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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

Well... All my arts are made in photoshop, as i saw - there not very bad smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

You can make it with PS, but if you want to resize your stuff, its gets pixeled.

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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)

14 (edited by [N.W.A] DarkMarta 2010-02-16 15:54:43)

Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

Here you're right, but i never wanted to resize nothing, so its not a problem for me big_smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

But nobody had test the Data ?
Well it's not a problem
Maybe, tomorrow, I going to make some screens.


Re: [TEE/MAPRES/GAMESKIN]Data skin of Geek

ok, there are enough criticism...but i have to say one more (real sry, if i were you i would be "depressiv" sad ) The game data, isn't that good, because it's a mixture from all, but nothing out of one theme...You should try your one things...try to get ideas, and realize them...if you don't know how to do..there are enough tutorials...

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