Topic: [ART] magick tee

magic tee



Re: [ART] magick tee

I really like your style :>

But aren't the feet to far away from the body?
Oh yeah, the left hand... looks like a poisonous fruit, or something :S

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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)


Re: [ART] magick tee

Nice, but I agree with Tee Killa. The arm and leg... Btw, you drawed with paint? smile

Before you come to any conclusion - try walking in my shoes - You'll keep stuble in my footsteps...


Re: [ART] magick tee

Try not to mix a 3D style (body and torso) with 2D style (weapons). The result will be much better. give it a try, looking forward to the result.

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [ART] magick tee

Nice! but the left hand... it looks like slime :S

Normal day at school than oh MY GOD YOUR ALMOST HIT BY A RANdom truck.


Re: [ART] magick tee

/sign lappi

Sry for my bad english,i come from germany.