Topic: Design documents or further docs in general

Are there any further design documents or anything like that, that would explain the overall inner workings a little further? I guess I should be able to figure out the whole architecture just using the source but I guess I'm not patient/talented enough but still am very curious how things work in Teewars.

Could you hook me up with something?

I don't care.


Re: Design documents or further docs in general

It's my intention to document the engine in teewars as good as possible. As the teewars code base rapidly changes right now, I don't see the point in writing documents that will be out of date quite quickly. I've started to write some very basic documentation over everything but nothing complete at all. You can find a draft of it at this address: http://ix.teewars.com/~kma/docs/output . I thought I start by documenting the low level functions, engine interface, prediction and the time functions that exist on the client side.

Regarding the game design, you can read a bit about it on this http://www.teewars.com/?page=journal&id=161 blog post.