Re: [QUESTION] Why do pros often spin their weapons?

tongue That's the same thing as "dynamic cam" Pikachu, it will make you dizzy, but you can fix it with cl_mouse_deadzone.


Re: [QUESTION] Why do pros often spin their weapons?

I think it comes naturally.
In Vanilla I mostly do some sort of spinning in order to hook effectively.
If you are doing that very fast then it just looks like spinning.

I guess you can't really avoid spinning sometimes.

Hey, find me as "CL | Gala" or "y" ingame


Re: [QUESTION] Why do pros often spin their weapons?

1: It makes me feel better to spin
2: I can hook and shoot in any direction REALLY FAST before anyone else can aim or shoot or grapple me
3: Makes me feel proish (Even when I might not really be)
4: It gives me an overall advantage.
5: Its fun and It makes people mess up right in front of me, and its like "Todooloo, free kill!"
6: It really makes you better and faster.

^ Reasons for spinning. >.< ^^



Re: [QUESTION] Why do pros often spin their weapons?

i just have epilepsy


Re: [QUESTION] Why do pros often spin their weapons?

Shit wrote:

i just have epilepsy


Spinning has 2 effects:

->Speed Effect and
->Psychological Effect

Speed Effect: You can shoot fast in all directions. Augmented Point Reflex Defense System

Psychological Effect: The opponent gets confused when he sees you spinning like crazy and that gives you a fraction of a second to respond and waste his A$$!!! A small advantage but an efficient one nonetheless.....

Once in a century...