1 (edited by Chuckey 2009-11-03 17:36:25)

Topic: [GAMESKIN] My First game.png :)

I know the heart and the ninjasword looks bad but I was bored
Here it is:

Hope you like it.. smile

Oh and the hammer looks to not so nice.. ^^


Re: [GAMESKIN] My First game.png :)

it looks if you just colloured some pixel and that was it xD it doesn't look nice...nothing special. maybe you should try another drawprogramm like inkscape or something else but this gameset ist terrible 4 my eyes (sry ;D)


Re: [GAMESKIN] My First game.png :)

I like the hook
but im a noob in this i must gain more skillz but thanks for post smile


Re: [GAMESKIN] My First game.png :)

Try to draw some tee-skins first. Have a look at my tutorial (sticky thread or tee-wiki). After having trained and improved you will get better results.

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