1 (edited by Crises 2009-10-30 19:25:08)

Topic: [TILESET] Oasis-main/doodads by Crises

Hey Guys,
i played on a map called "Oasis". I think it looks like a Egyptian-Country.

So i tryed to make a new Tileset for this map called "Oasis_main" and "Oasis_doodads".
It isn't finish yet guys --> don't use it.

Here is the



Copyright © by Crises

Here are the



Copyright © by Crises

Please don't Copy this two Mapres' and don't edit them cause they are not finish yet.

Creative Commons License http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/88x31.png


Re: [TILESET] Oasis-main/doodads by Crises

Why do you post them if they are not finished and we cannot use them? Release them when they are done but this is useless.

Qi - high level gaming


Re: [TILESET] Oasis-main/doodads by Crises

I only have to fix some bugs, then they are finished!


Re: [TILESET] Oasis-main/doodads by Crises

Well It's a great main and doodads. But do finish them first, it's only eye candy until then. (Makes me droll.)
Hurry up and finish them! [+]

Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!


Re: [TILESET] Oasis-main/doodads by Crises

okay, i'm sorry, i will finish them fast.


Re: [TILESET] Oasis-main/doodads by Crises

Useless thread is gone.

Official Teeworlds map developer and community moderator
Administrator for the Teeworlds community Teesites