I found another idea that is cool. > http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=290 <
But here is how I envisioned new game scoring/stats:
[Kills] are how many tees you killed.
[Deaths] are how many times you died.
[Damage taken] is how many hearts and shields you lost.
[Damage given] is how many hearts and shields you took from other tees.
[Ratio] is the ratio of D.T. to D.D. takes D.D. and divides it by D.T. then the rounded number is added to your total score. In this case, the rounded number was 3.
[Highest you were] Is how many tees units you were above the ground directly beneath you.
[Fastest you went] is the fastest tees units per minute you went.
[Suicides] Is how many times you hit the bind kill button, killed yourself with the rocket launcher, and feel into kill tiles without anyone hooking your shooting you before hand.
[Team kills] is how many times you killed your teemates. (pun intended)
Under the hook, the 4 boxes stand for:
1) How many times you garbed someone
2) How many times you killed someone while garbing them.
3) How many times you died while being garbed
4) How many times you got garbed.
Under all the weapons the boxes stand for:
1) How many times you killed with this weapon.
2) How many times you used this weapon.
3) How many times you hit someone with this weapon.
The two flags' first box is: how many times you got the flag, how many times you captured the flag, and how many times you died with the flag.
The dead tee with flags first box is how many times you killed enemy carrier and how many times you got back your teams dropped flag.
Your total is your final score and lastly "Good job!" is the rating is words calculated by diving your total by your gaming time. So, it would not be the time you were in spectator and it would be completely erased if you switched teams. Also if someone has a total of 100 and gamed for 25m but someone else has a total of 55 and gamed for 10m, who was better? Well, the one there for 10ms because his score divided by his time gives him a 5.5 while the other guy only 4.
There could be other stuff added to it, but that's the only things I care about. ^_^
**Edit wait there should be more, like: Top killing spree. Longest time you went without: changing your weapon/jumping/dying/getting health/shooting and hooking. And under all the weapons I forgot to add a rounded accuracy percentage. (the times you killed with it, divided by the times you used it, multiplied by 100, and then rounded to the tenths place)
Hammer: 5.7%
Gun: 10.6%
Shotgun: 38.5%
Bazooka: 48.6%
Laser: 47.1%
Katana: N/A
General accuracy: 24.2%
Give others the respect you wish to be respected with. In the mean time, enjoy the website!