I do see the use in gun, it should stop my family of going mad when i'm playing teeworlds...
All the time click click click.... it would be much better & easier to use.
Also, much more people would start using it. The gun is a very nice weapon but atm you need to be able to just click fast. (And that's just annoying )
This really would be a good option in my oppinion.
I think it would also be cool if you could add a new weapon.
I've seen some really cool ideas at forums, posterous, etc.
just some examples:
"...and i got some other funny ideas too maybe the would be fitting teeworlds style:
.) Baseball bat
Send your enemies fyling and deal damage depending an how far the enemy was flying
.) Bull hat
you change into a bull and chase down the first enemy you see and kill him. After you killed him you chase the next one and so on until the last of the powerup ends
Generally i would say powerups would improve the gameplay. The powerups give each match a unique feeling and add a lot of possible tactics. Ninja totally needs a rework and is outdated in terms of gameplay nowadays.
greets Marik"
"So many Teeworlds fans want a new weapon. In my opinion, teeworlds could need something special. I talk about something you can throw away. My first idea was to make a grenade or a special grenade (e.g. flash grenade). But a mine would also be very nice and in my opinion a mine is a typically tactical weapon."
I really think it would be cool for new maps or even added to old maps, to have a new kind of weapon
and also, @ marik's baseball bat idea, could be that you have to load your bat and , the longer you load it, the harder tees get hit and the more damage, if you just click non stop it should have low damage. ( that's my oppinion about it )
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